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Member for: 2.0 years

scp: -101 (+110/-211)
ccp: -39 (+304/-343)
votes given: 300 (+211/-89)
score: -140


This wont be the last time we see or hear of that salty incel though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62eda1f233c91

Space is fake and gay. If you believe in NASA you may as well call yourself a Star Wars soyboy because both really are no different. Getting all giddy and excited over kike fan fiction.

/v/science viewpost?postid=62eda862dad98

You don't have to say it, you have insinuated it by suggesting that people should edit their lens with a filter.

/v/science viewpost?postid=62ed0e0cb2e6d

NASA is about to make an announcement "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are sorry for lying about the moon landings and space. All of our data and photographs are fake as fuck, we can't believe the general population actually fell for it and provided us with billions in the form of Tax Payer money"

This is what retards on this site are waiting for.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed7b9984f32

You don't have a single fucking clue about the laws of angular perspective and vanishing points on a flat plane.

You would never be able to see it extend forever because of the way vision works. Everything above your eye level merges with everything below your eye level at the horizon. Creating a vanishing point because we can not see ad Infinium.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=62ed10eeca24a

> Gravity is 300 times stronger

Prove it.

Gravity is merely a untested, unfounded theory.

/v/science viewpost?postid=62ed137152240

If you don't understand how the atmosphere works, sure.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=62ed10eeca24a

You believe the sun is a solid mass.

/v/science viewpost?postid=62ed0e0cb2e6d

Friends with Walt Disney and worked alongside Stanley Kubrick for his Moon Missions.

You have to be fucking retarded to think Nazis went to the moon.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed18af225ca

Yes, just like you believe space is infinite and expands in all directions.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=62ed10eeca24a

Now do the same experiment, instead of a glass, use a ball that's rotating 1000mph and moving 66,666mph. Basic stuff really.

/v/science viewpost?postid=62ed137152240

There is no edge of the Earth. The fact that you think Flat Earth must have an edge tells me everything I need to know about what "information" you have stumbled upon. You fell for the retarded gatekeeping trolls as I once did years ago. Leading you astray from the truth. Our flat plane is as infinite just like the kikes claim that space is infinite. Neither of us can prove it but there sure as fuck is no edge.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=62ed10eeca24a

They put that nice photoshopped picture of a fake curved Earth in the header for you chumps. Climate change is as real as space.

/v/ClimateChangeSkeptic viewpost?postid=62ed2a357c58d

That sure is a funny way of saying "I have no proof other than the word of kikes but i'll call you stupid instead"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed1b0ee7434

> heroic feats at a time where they murdered and destroyed the ONLY resistance to communist kike scum, Hitler's Germany.

That's all you needed to ignore.

Edit: Are you going to go full leftist and now claim that America never helped out the kikes in World War 2?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed18af225ca

You should get your eyes checked. Put a straight edge up to your screen or something, Old Man.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=62ed10eeca24a

So you don't understand an inkling of history? The NSDAP were the only people to stand up against kikes and they were wiped out by Americans, Russians and other White nations. Fooled into fighting Germany in order to advance kike interests.

The only demoralizing jew here is the one suggesting that some how, Whites achieved heroic feats at a time where they murdered and destroyed the ONLY resistance to communist kike scum, Hitler's Germany.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed18af225ca

Again, I am showing the Earth as it is, a Flat Plane. A Flat Plane is not curved. Hence why me posting Flat Earth facts is me showing "not round"

Get it now?

> Show me the claim that each one of these pictures is from 120,000 feet

Here is the first one.


/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=62ed10eeca24a

The NSDAP was wiped out after world war 2. The kikes claimed they kidnapped scientists so it must be true.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed18af225ca

So at a time where kikes tricked whites into murdering other whites in order to advance kike interests, you believe the kikes also let the whites band together and go and explore space. Even though the kikes were clearly in control of all western nations by the end of world war 2.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed18af225ca

> The world is a sphere

Prove it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed161125a8c

Catholics are kikes, go ahead and source those European Ideas now.

/v/science viewpost?postid=62ed137152240

Except the earth supposedly is not a stationary wet ball, it is supposedly rotating at 1000mph on its axis whilst hurling through space at 66,666mph. Centrifugal force pushes the water off a wet ball every single time.

Like so...


/v/science viewpost?postid=62ed137152240

I have and I don't see anything but small balls of light and/or energy. To assume otherwise would be completely retarded. Do you think the sun is a solid mass as well?

/v/Space viewpost?postid=62ed150c2df8c

Do you mean, everything I post is trying to show the Earth is Flat instead of a ball? Go figure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ed161125a8c