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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 505 (+534/-29)
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whether or not uncle doug is a kike or not it doesn't change that a coincidence of jews is the group term we have been using for a while now. your "we" may not have known that the proper term is tower of giraffes but that doesn't magically change anything

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65471fe81a084


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65478125ba5d7

Not everyone can be a neet with that kind of free time. Some of us have been more jewed in life than others

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6534510d0a3b3

TV watcher moment.

If things were really hopeless their propaganda would be unnecessary. The reality is they are getting desperate which is why their propaganda is getting so pervasive

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=65325f968c318

100%. They are retarded and short sighted. They can't see past kill da wite man to oh shit we don't have white men making society comfortable for us to parasite off of. They just hate and follow their superstitions till they reap what was sown and then play victim. The bike meme of sticking a stick in the spokes

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6531e18eb9b54

Even better than all of those is algae
Get an aquarium with snails or shrimp and then you get the water filtering from your air pump plus the algae cleaning it too

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6530ad1bb8b1c

Do we have an "art" tag? A "blog" tag? A "videos" tag?

Make a subverse lol. It isnt like nsfw or nsfl it is a sub catagory not a important distinction

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=652cd0a049db6

If this happens I am leaving this site. It will no longer be voat and something else that used the old name to trick people to use the new product

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65162e70675df

lol someone went and opened up their jidf alts to downvote this one before it got seen

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=65098553cb77c

tell them you are not downloading any apps on your private property and ask them to provide you a work phone to use.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64fa78af51814

I have an irl nazi friend who told me she was a nazi in like 2016( before enough people were jewpilled for it to be easty to find a fellow jewpilled person anywhere let alone irl) and she watches tucker carlson and alex jones religiously. She did start 1488ing by making white babies. She is a huge pothead and I think that is what helps with tolerating the content of these grifters( though carlson seems to be waking up a bit)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64f4004ced1c3

I met a picker who was from israel and she looked full stereotype. Big nose fat. She was talking about and very against the zionist government and what they were doing to palestinians and said that is why she left and was working here. Cash work( she was working with a quebecious guy who paid her cash for her portion and got paid for the work). She was a good picker, grapes here but they go up and down for what is in season.

Every other jew I have met has been some degree of crypto jew and acted jewy(talmudic) so my guess is this woman was either a bad jew or a non talmudic jew

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d8eb7c52314

Flat earth is what they believe in Kabbalah. Whenever you see it it isn't a controlled opposition thing it is just kike cope trying to pretend reality is something different than it actually is

/v/SimulationEarth viewpost?postid=64c53ee4bd730

MGTOW was a reaction and awakening. Censored anthropologic discourse and analysis was given vent on female behaviour which did lots.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

yes. It is a group of very different men who share a anthropological understanding of humans sexual dimorphism specifically the negative( for men) traits and instincts of women. They go their own way not all the same way

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

stardusk I know and have talked to. He is just soft and maybe too cowardly.preservative to tackle the JQ publicly but without doxing he definitely is not a jew. TFM and sandman and the other redpill rage guys you could be smart about.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

They were not cut out of the dating pool. A significant number date or look for "unicorns" or have been divorce raped and have kids

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

This is a mgtow opinion. If you think the contrary you trust the jew narrative

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

yslavesyou are getting them mixed up with incels. MGTOWs generally have no trouble getting women. Many have kids apready. The angsty teens all went into the pua, incel, or FA communities for the moat part or started engaging with the men of the community to try and avoid women who would be a problem and find unicorns. I have seen more young men in the MGTOW community find a good women from learning from it what to watch out for than any other community.

You just only know the media narrative version of the group. It iant men who would want to be with modern women it is men who already have and are done. Man up? Ha. Man out. We are not raising your halfbreed nigger baby or tolerating a gold digging manipulator

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

I dont think you understand MGTOW. They are guys who dont see the women in our culture as compatable. Many already had kids and were divorce raped. Many are looking for "unicorns". Many are just discussing the censored sexual dimorphism behaviour differences.

It is like recognizing the system and women are not worth being with and focusing on other things or looking for the unicorns or learning to cope with modern culture. The anti natalist faction is not MTOW but the pua alpha male faction. MGTOW men just generall learn to avoid and recognize womens behaviour that would ruin their lives. Many find "unicorns"( rare girls who are not in the cilture. Geomaxxing girls who are from a different culture but not bringing her into our culture or finding actual trad women who are not just etrad modern culture women who want trad men and larp while still being deeply in modern culture.) There are men who hate women but most have been divorce raped already and are not going to try again. Imo it is a psyop to stop people leaving the traps of our culture to calumnize them simce it was one of the early red pill groups expoaing people to critique if all the consumerism and attitudes of debt slaves

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

excess vidya is bad for you but so is not enough. Maximum productivity is at about 3 hours a day and 8 hours is as bad as 0. It isn't childish it is just you have an archaic boomer mentality and don't realize there is no difference between that and sports/cards/traditional entertainment games. Well sports might be more physically healthy doubling the value you get out of it but the point is keeping sharp and alert in your relaxation entertainment time ( which you need. Turn off the tv maybe and brows the net less) makes you more productive when you work.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64af76ef81a0c

old world is brand recognition trying to keep it the same. New world is just trying to sell goyslop. People like sweet so we make it sweet

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64abeeff569bc

I work at a winery. Sweet rose's sell more and marketing people tell all the wineries that so they react and do what they are told. They do this with cap colours too, they tell everyone a certain colour does best then everyone switches and then that colour no longer does best so unless a brand keeps theirs the same always you will notice the rest shifting the same way.

We had a rose go too dry and it was nice and we sweetened it with juice( we are organic and freeze some juice pre ferment to add sugar later). It is just what boomer white women buy so that is what we make. We do this sort of thing for all our wines except the favourite of the owners( merlot) which we make to our own tastes.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64abeeff569bc

I live in a desert. We never have mosquitos and this spring had a fair bit. I went to a wedding in alberta to a place where there usually are hoards of thousands and there was none

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64a7da7adacc3