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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 3718 (+5523/-1805)
ccp: 1893 (+2560/-667)
votes given: 301 (+214/-87)
score: 5611

French revolution oversimplified     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


I'm an anarchist now. Not any type in particular. My only belief is that the current order is fucked and we need to get rid of the snake's head. I want guillotines overlooking trials being conducted in the public square. I care not what follows after the present rich and powerful are purged.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


So basically anyone on the political fringe/extreme is against the common enemy of today - the 13 families and the governments they control, and all the rich and powerful of those countries I mean ALL of them, we can't trust a single individual who resides at the upper echelons of society, they are there for a reason, and the fact they enjoy a positon of wealth and influence alone is enough of a charge to sentence their necks to the razor.

From there on I don't care.

We could have another reign of terror as aristocracy is cut down, followed by a fascist imperialist like Napoleon. Or we could go the route of the good ol' revolutionary-era USA. Or the route of the USSR. Maybe we'd get a return to a monarchist christendom. I don't care, Just cut off the head. Take all the rich and powerful out, along with the cops and soldiers who support their regime and oppose la revolution.

I know the political far left and far right are talking about thw same enemy, held in common, when they tell us who their greatest foe truly is.

If We remove the bankers and other financial parasites from their thrones behind the seats of our nation's governemnt, we could stand to then figure out what to do.

Perhaps split up the country and let each ideology who participated in the revolution have their own little sovereign country to live in.

Qith an agreement that if anyone tries to start anything, both the other countries will come down on them like the wrath of God.
Be the man tou want to be, don't be complacent with who you are, be the man others want you to be only If that is also who youd rather be than the man that you are. Endure the pain and effort that it takes to transform yourself it does not matter if the goal is worth the journey required to reach it     (www.anthonyjyeung.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


East Indiana are the worst. They take all the entry level jobs, fill those workplaces up with their family members, and prevent white kids from entering into the workforce. If they have any sort of power in their jobs they will demonstrate exactly zero compassion for white people who rely upon them.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


It's all about pursuing what you think will maximize your happiness and minimize your suffering. If anyone says or does anything that you dislike, then that is all the justification you require to do whatever you'd like to do in response.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Embrace true individualism, realize that there was never any good or evil, merely the personal feelings of individuals.

It is all about conquering the world, dominating it and imposing your will upon others by any means you decide upon, of you cannot control them, remember that you were always free to destroy them as well if you wanted to.

Your ego, your will, your desires, these are the only standard you must use as the judgement of your actions, or as the determinant of them.

The things I consider to be good are the things which make me feel good, the things which I consider to be evil are the things which make me feel bad.      (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Good and evil are just labels we attach to sources of our happiness/pleasure or sadness/pain to misrepresent the material and subjective as being objective and abstract.
I think there is no such thing as an evil act, the way I judge actions depends solely upon their results, by who is benefitted and who is harmed.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


If the people I like are benefitted more than they are harmed, and the people I dislike are harmed more than they are benefitted.
Then I consider the act to be more good than bad.
They try to kill the brotherhood of men by fostering division, one such means is to conflate male friendship with faggotry.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Gen alpha is millenials again. Just swap out "4chan" for "youtube".      (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Getting a job is impossible.     (yewtu.be)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Two jews who make the best modern westerns (neo-westerns)     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Child abuse (and the accusation/prosecution thereof) is how they control their assets. It's illegal because they want it to be, the same way a drug kingpin doesn't want his product legalized.      (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


It's a vice that is very illegal and also socially taboo, considered in both court and culture to be the worst crime one can commit.

It is also something that is used as both a luxury that can be safely enjoyed by an exclusive club of people, and it is also something that the sole safe providers of the vice can use to control them through blackmail.

Even if one of their associates had never indulged in the luxury on offer, they can be said to have done so solely through the interactions they've had with thenwelves, who are known providers of the vice in question.

This allows them to control anyone who enters their inner circles and keep them loyal while preventing them from betrayal or whistleblowing.

Yet it still happens from time to time, even those who have indulged themselves could decide to sacrifice themselves to fuck the system up, if only just a little bit.

This is how we get some of the information we have.

Hence how we can be ruled by peope involved in child abuse and runna society where it is illegal and taboo to abuse children.
White kids in germany be like     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Thoughts?     (letuswalktogether.quora.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Join us for kohi     (smuglo.li)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 3 months ago


Do not let them erase the historical conquest, occupation, subjugation, persecution, and enslavement of the white peoples of europe by non-white empires, such as the Arabs and Mongols.      (youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


Skibidi toilet     (alogs.space)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


Can any of the cheese frogs here translate this into English?     (yewtu.be)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


They say we have a crisis of feminine men [1], but what we actually have is a crisis of boys who.never grew up mentally, though their bodies had matured physically [2], as a consequence such men desire a lover who is also fulfillimg the role of a mother to them in addition to sex/romance [3].      (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


This is present on both right and left, the difference being whether they want to be dominated by a nurturing caregivung lover or whether they want to be the one to dominate them instead.

1. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YBwDK6tDOYs

2. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6GcmTgY/ & https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sxePuWBABKk

3. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=OZgpBzDnVro
A big tent event is what we need - everyone of all political ideologies hates the power structure that exists right now, wr have different names fir the guys at the top but they all refer to the same people. The economic depression is a common issue and financial powers are the common enemy.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


What I'm proposing is starting up an occupy movement again. Where we occupy financial districts of major cities like Wall Street in NYC.

We all claim to hate the sane people, so these protests can serve as a way all political orientations and demographics could cone together and make a headache for the jew bankers and traders that are presently fucking everybody over in a painful way that nobody is ok with.
This is how they see the Hunter Biden's laptop incident      (youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


Well guys? What is a (cis) woman?     (youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


An adult human being that lacks a y chromosome?
A lone Angel comes to Earth in peace, lives amongst us and sees all the people suffering at the hands of others, decides the only option is total war.     (yewtu.be)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


I'm actually seeing the upside of all this. They hate authority, bypass the system by just taking what they want and ascribing to the rule of "might makes right". They are becoming uncontrollable and unpredictable. Though we had hopes for "generation zyklon" too...     (yewtu.be)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago


Daddy's girl > pickme girl > tradwife > boymom > toxic inlaw     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 4 months ago