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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 3893 (+4212/-319)
ccp: 4023 (+4632/-609)
votes given: 6223 (+4174/-2049)
score: 7916


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No, stop distracting from my post. I'm trying to see how retarded boomers can be.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662fa4237937d

Do you have a link to this guys channel?

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=662eb6dd698d4

No. You were helping me and you still are. It doesn't matter if that was your intent or not. Again, I thank you!

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662e51f3dab2f

Thanks for helping me keep this at the top of bump. I appreciate it!

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662e51f3dab2f

Just so everyone knows, he's referring to me and this post: https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=662e51f3dab2f

I'm literally doing an experiment to see if you can just say the most retarded thing about boomers that they should be able to ignore, and yet they still have a meltdown and then you get this post...

So I've made a few posts to cause boomer meltdowns, and so far they've all worked, and I'm going to screen shot all of them to make a summary post. Your generation really is the worst and everyone hates you.

And oh, btw...let me explain something to you boomers. Young people hating you isn't us going along with kike propaganda. It's us rightfully hating you because YOU went along with kike propaganda.

Let me make this clear. I made all my "boomer hate" posts just to prove that the shill reaction was to defend them. And it worked. You morons actually did what I expected you to do. Thank you for working with me.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

I was honestly just trying to trigger some stupid boomers and it worked on you...Thanks!

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662e51f3dab2f

So you agree with everything in the post? Have anything to say about what's actually in the post? Of course not, you're here specifically to avoid talking about it. Thanks for letting me use you though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d0647d8696

Still not commenting on the actual subject of the post. Please, keep allowing me to use you to expose disruption tactics.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d0647d8696

I never said that I was recruited to work with Johnny Depp...

And most normal people think that me living in a tent when I had to was actually pretty cool and commendable. Your tactics don't work anymore. We've actually successfully gotten most people to evolve past your pettiness.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d0647d8696

Why is the boomer subject so sensitive to shill accounts like yours?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d0647d8696

All anyone notices is that you didn't A.) disagree with anything in the post, or B.) even say anything about the content in the post.

Just so everyone knows, what this account is is an agitator account. Their job is to prevent genuine discussion by getting everyone angry. Their comment and patterns make total sense once you understand this.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d0647d8696

>Yet, tens of millions of dumbshit white Americans designated as America’s worst threat by Biden vote for him.

No they don't.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=662ce0c21f40c

>and now we are paying for it

Now? Honeys, wait until you realize you've been paying for it the entire time. You aren't just now starting to pay for it...you're just now starting to realize you're paying for it. Here's the even worse part...men have been paying for it too. That's why no one's coming to save you.

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=662b61de1dbc7

Why do you guys think accounts like this think they're still effective?

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=661d5058c151d

You're still not denying being an agent/bot. So, yes or no, are you an agent/bot? By the way, thank you for letting me use you to keep this at the top of bump by responding to my comments, yet staying at the bottom of the comments and not distracting anyone from the main conversation taking place. You're perfect!

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=661bdb2a5b308

You didn't say you aren't an AI bot. You didn't say you aren't paid by an agency. You didn't say you ARE a normal user. Interesting...

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=661bdb2a5b308

Nothing you said is correct.

Are you an AI bot?

If not, you're clearly not a normal user. Are you paid by an agency to post here?

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=661bdb2a5b308

They didn't just want it, they probably ordered hamas to do it, since, you know...israel created and funds hamas.

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=661bdb2a5b308

Anyone have an idea when the drones should actually get there?

EDIT: Apparently in about half an hour, or 6pm CST.

/v/news viewpost?postid=661afbc380fd8

Hey look, it's the account that clearly hates Christianity like a jew and refused to spell jew with a lower case "j". Gee, I wonder what race/religion they *clearly* are...?

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=661aca605ed90

So use it to your advantage...?

Why are you complaining about this?

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=66189e9e7444f

Since Q have there been any new wars for israel?

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=6617536515a2f

Since Q have there been any new wars for israel?

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=6617536515a2f

Since Q have there been any new wars for israel?

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=6617536515a2f