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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 56 (+69/-13)
ccp: 52 (+55/-3)
votes given: 387 (+381/-6)
score: 108


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I too like the peace and quiet of the early morning. But I also find night time to be just as peaceful in its own way. Plus I've always had issues going to sleep. I guess I'm just a night owl.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d6084ada946

Good to know I'm not alone with this. My bathrooms habit is one of the main reasons mornings can be rough for me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d6084ada946

You have to learn to laugh at it, its the only way we will make it through this. We're all gonna make it brah. I know that there are still great women out there. My post wasn't supposed to demoralize in any way. I just wanted to spark a discussion and thought it would create some laughs, especially if you recognize the chick in the photo. I guess I missed the mark though. I will try to make sure that future post don't give off the same tone.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ce23b41908f

Classic Kelly. I think I read that she is married now? Could you imagine the look on his face when he found out? (if he ever did) https://files.catbox.moe/s8obrz.gif

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ce23b41908f

I started getting out more. Been overhearing coworkers conversations pretty much confirming the decline of women. Saw the Roe v Wade freakout real time, it was great. I've learned to laugh it off and continue to enjoy life regardless. Also I believe the woman in the photo is half Chinese.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ce23b41908f

The Cat in the Hat is unironically a great movie.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=62cc9188e47b7

Burry met an Asian QT on match.com. He's a long-term investor and knows that white women hit the wall hard by 30.

/v/Women viewpost?postid=62bde234be2de

Adult swim has been total shit for years. Every show that has aired in the past few years is embarrassingly bad. World Peace and Mike Tyson mysteries where the last good shows on the network. There were some skits in World Peace that made me laugh so hard that I thought I was gonna pass out. I don't know too much about the situation, but it seems that the parent hired a lot of lefty shit heads and took a lot of control away from Lazzo. Lazzo might have been liberal himself, but he knew comedy. Now that he is retired, the network is completely gone and will probably never air another funny show again.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=62b3f0556621c

"Careers" and going to college have ruined women. They are constantly searching for meaning, while avoiding their true meaning (family). There are exceptions, but a majority of women are just not meant for many careers. I've seen it personally. They spent their prime stressing out over classes or a dumb job and end up aging 15 years in only 4.
Women should be proud of the role that they play in the family. They care for us during our most valuable years. But they keep pushing this backward idea that they can be independent. They are destroying themselves, and taking society with it, without even realizing it. Not that they even care.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62a67ae7d1a89

The true blackpill for me was that I've seen some trannies that do a better job at being feminine than a lot of women in my area. Of course they are the minority of trannies, but still.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62a67ae7d1a89

That one woman Captain helped bump the price of oil up after they got their cargo ship stuck in the Suez Canal. Surely someone made a good profit out of that.

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=62941fdb60f9e

I'm looking to add the Hugo Boss collection to my wardrobe.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6293a8366f209

Based. I once had a cute girl look at me and when I looked back she looked away.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6291379011d1b

His new content is pretty hit or miss for me too. Everyone has their own taste. This video was his first in a while that got a good laugh out of me. My take is that its what many women think an all male office would act like.

/v/MillionDollarExtreme viewpost?postid=62830e7d8e8b0

Whites aren't even allowed in the line.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=627c9cc0dc7e6

Did the 4chan community change that much in 2016 that you consider it dead? It seems fairly similar today. I didn't really lurk it that much back then though so my opinion can't be worth too much. But when I think about it you are right in the sense that they haven't really done anything like "he will not divide us" in a while.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6279326ed5bda

The boats were the best thing that happened too them though. Pretty sure Africa doesn't have many Popeyes. But I'm guessing that they don't see it that way.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6270a30dcd9f3

That response is so pathetic you don't even want to acknowledge it.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=6270cfe7cdafa

She needs to eat some more. Not a lot more but... more.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=62703708e2eb1

Yeah definitely getting the same feeling about this situation. I didn't know anyhting about NN but I knew that every politician that I distrusted supported it. I just remember reddit freaking the fuck out over it. Subs that had only a few hundred subscribers would have a NN post that would have like 5k upvotes. There was clearly some fuckery going on. The best part about that whole situation was when this chad pissed all the normies off.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=622cc7e75d6bc