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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 195 (+245/-50)
votes given: 1253 (+1036/-217)
score: 195


maroni 2 points 2.2 years ago

> c-PTSD

This is a difficult diagnosis for women to overcome. Unless she's committed to overcoming it you need to be done.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=625518c0962db

maroni -2 points 2.2 years ago

False Jews are not semites.

/v/Islam viewpost?postid=625501f5c337a

maroni 14 points 2.2 years ago*

Here's how you fix women.

The social structure controls women, shame is the most useful tool here. Not logic.
Tell her most men would break off an engagement/relationship/etc with a woman that ever dated a black man. That even if her future boyfriend was ok with it his friends would shame him and call her a whore to his face until he left her. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

I asked around, found a story of a pretty mudshark, and used it as the core of my explanation. I use the mudsharks name, show her lonely pics, and say that she's unable to get a stable relationship as guys disappear when they eventually find out. Make fun of and feel the disgust for the mudshark as you tell the tale, it will carry over. Your gal friend will never forget.

Beastiality is wrong but I'd sooner date a woman that fucked a dog than a nigger. I'm very open about this.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=62533e131c2d8

maroni 2 points 2.2 years ago

It's clearly a troll account.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6252a5fc194e5

maroni 1 point 2.2 years ago

Cubicle glownigger bullshit.

Nixon was 100% jew pilled like the most of America was. There's taped conversations where he discusses the issue.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6250ed4f945b3

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

Bad balance can cause separation.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624e043fe02e9

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

It's the culture here, you should know that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624e1305d7319

maroni 2 points 2.2 years ago

> you can't even pull 20 mpg

How's the Prius?

/v/cars viewpost?postid=624e2dcd635cb

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

You're looking in the wrong places.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624c2860c7b32

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

> And both men and women need to understand the current system is bad for men.

Terrible for women too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624c2860c7b32

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

It was the precepts, the meaning changed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624d7bb11a662

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

> Anonymous Comrades Collective

These guys seem cool.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624d7bb11a662

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

> That itself is rather sketchy.

That means the nig was unsurprised as he/it already prepared for a fight.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=624be442af2f3

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

Charges are filed against the living, there's no guarantee you'd survive a blow to the head. Prioritize.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=624be442af2f3

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

Be the change you want to see in the world.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=624be442af2f3

maroni 1 point 2.2 years ago

How is one used effectively?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=624be442af2f3

maroni 0 points 2.2 years ago

Thank you for embracing my autism. :-)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62498cd910bf7

maroni 1 point 2.2 years ago

That wasn't a Ford engine, it's IH.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62498cd910bf7