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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 2377 (+2463/-86)
ccp: 362 (+373/-11)
votes given: 1511 (+1422/-89)
score: 2739


breh2 0 points 9 months ago

Archive link:

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64ee1fa38addf

breh2 0 points 9 months ago

Probably somebody downvoating the messenger instead of the message

Member for: 1 month
scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: -670 (+287/-957)

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64ee1fa38addf

breh2 1 point 9 months ago

or "mostly black white male" when they need to bump the crime stats up

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64ed5441c90fa

breh2 3 points 9 months ago

>Italians aren't White
Here we go again
Do you think Portugese are White? All Italians non-White, or just Sicilians? Is there a certain latitude line going across Europe that you think everyone south of isn't White? I am curious as to where you landed after the whole Nord vs. Med divide and conquer psyop a few years back. Anyhow, here is an ancient meme I disagree with but is funny

/v/Insanity viewpost?postid=64ed4d510a788

breh2 0 points 9 months ago


/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64e7d90c96564

breh2 3 points 9 months ago*

Disregard that judeo-remix cover, rutvrn to tradition:

/v/FloridaMan viewpost?postid=64ebf2bc41568

breh2 5 points 9 months ago

Maybe his negro fatigue reached untenable levels

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=64ebe8fc24092

breh2 0 points 9 months ago

The only reason I can see about doing a study with these particular guidelines is if they wanted to see how many men would be willing to risk their lives to violently overthrow the overlords when they forcefully implement an eat ze bugs soyciety. Testing the waters to see how far they can push with their puppets in the government in legislating meat-free cities and states or if they have to keep destroying the supply until the price for hamburger meat is $40 a pound.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64eb83387fdcd

breh2 0 points 10 months ago


/v/Health viewpost?postid=64e2ce583333d

breh2 1 point 10 months ago

Non-jewtube mirror:

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e2af93878ae

breh2 1 point 10 months ago*

Invidious hates my VPN and won't let me D/L the vid to put on Catbox ;.;

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e285dda7fd8

breh2 0 points 10 months ago

Spoiler Alert: they ran her over with a car and she unfortunately survived

/v/news viewpost?postid=64dcd6585be9c

breh2 4 points 10 months ago

It is intentional, this is one of those Well Poisoning memes made by the left to make the right look retarded. Can you picture **10,000** people surrounding one building? Also, You're is frequently written as Your by 89iqs, but Your is almost never written as You're unintentionally.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d46a17315c5

breh2 4 points 10 months ago

Video wouldn't play for me so I made a x264 mirror:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d14fd18208c

breh2 4 points 11 months ago

She died doing what she loved, survived by... oh wait, never mind, she killed them all

/v/Health viewpost?postid=64ba7545c7868

breh2 1 point 11 months ago

As an amateur radio enthusiast, (I have a CB in my truck) I can confirm that there are quite a few faggot truckers. It's common to hear offers to "share a shower" when in the vicinity of truck stops. But that might be more prison-gay than prideparade-gay. In other news, 70% of truckers are shitskin immigrants and nobody uses CB radio anymore.

/v/Troons viewpost?postid=64b1c3cbd9761

breh2 1 point 11 months ago

Here ya go buddy, just for you:
Spontaneous Happenings are filmed on cell phones by people, not on 4:3 TV cameras. The video is 512×1080, so unless you have a monitor from the 90s that can't handle 1920x1080 your settings are to blame.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64a0a7821468d

breh2 0 points 11 months ago

Meanwhile, China's freedom of speech:

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=64a0457758d7e

breh2 0 points 11 months ago

Do you think it was a psy-op from the Kremlin? Tensions have got to be building a year into the "month long special operation". This "coup" works as both a pressure relief valve and an Operation Trust tactic. Dissenters in the administration who think "this is our chance" might show their hand and promote open rebellion or take actions to overthrow Putin, thinking they have military support on the way. Now exposed, it would be easy to counter them and make them disappear.
Others might pin all their hopes on Wagner, see them "so easily defeated" and give up hope that anything will change. Coupled with "increased security" in regions deemed a possible threat to the regime, they could use this to set up their own Homeland Security like the US did post 9/11. Cui Bono, Who Benefits from this "coup"? Seems like a solid bolstering of Putins position. That, and the fact that the Wagner head guy was jewish and probably wants the war to drag on and kill thousands more Whites on both sides.
Inb4 "muh pootin 4d chessmaster" I think Putin is a shabbos dog and him and Zelensky meet up at the local synagogue and laugh about how many of their people died. He was in the KGB though and this seems like the kind of underhanded shit he was trained to do.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=64969965e627b

Only addition I have is to check the origin country. USDA states that if another COUNTRY has equivalent standards for organic certification, they can use the USDA Certified Organic logo even though they or their facilities have not actually been certified by the USDA

/v/Health viewpost?postid=647191f3c49b1

MP4 mirror:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646df39e6f8c3

I posted this vid a few months ago and it went up and stayed up just fine, their might be something messed up with the file index/format of your copy or something, you could try re-encoding it to straighten out the 1's and 0's

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646bcf010364f

Shamelessly hijacking the top comment to post a working catbox link to the video:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646bcf010364f

breh2 1 point 1 year ago

That copy is pretty degraded quality-wise, audio is scratchy AF. I uploaded this vid a few months ago here:
and the catbox link to the higher quality is here:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646bcf010364f

x264 mirror of the mirror:
(Larger file size for the same quality, but universally playable on all browsers and devices)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64607bb9e72eb