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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 280 (+295/-15)
ccp: 12158 (+12699/-541)
votes given: 5210 (+4172/-1038)
score: 12438


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And then they would be protested against even harder, right? Potentially spreading everywhere?

/v/WWIII viewpost?postid=6660abb2e8185

It wasn't a religious war it was a cultural subversion campaign. Those armies had to be subverted before they could murder other Europeans.

Also comparing Christianity and Islam and communism doesn't mean much since they're all abrahamic and end up in the same place to varying degrees.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609201202ca

"Triggering" someone does not transfer or exercise power in a meaningful way.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609201202ca

You don't know what you need you developmentally challenged foot-shooter. You do exactly what you blame foo for.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=665f6f9405167

Fuck sake can you respond in a single post? Only Christians call him a kike, that says something right there, because there's plenty of pro-Whites who aren't Christian.

What if, just what if you're wrong? Have you considered that? What if you're working against Whites and don't even realize it because a story about Christian hell scared the shit out of you when you were 3 years old?

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=665f6f9405167

I mean he posts enough to qualify. I don't know about "really good" but I'd agree some of his posts are good and the rest are just harmless boomermemes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609b3a82632

The nature of subversion is to give 80% stuff that fits in and 20% poison. That's why it works.

Pedo joe is not just an attention whore, he's a well poisoner.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609b3a82632

It's in our nature to create order out of chaos.

This doesn't serve us well right now because our order, our rules have been interfered with.

We won't be able to get Whites on board with total chaos because it doesn't make sense to us and we're not good at it.

I think the solution is reframing and changing our "rules" of what is fair violence. The new rules just need to make consistent sense and focus on us not being handicapped like our current approach does to us.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609201202ca

Witches and before that Pagans in general were killed because the proselytizing branches of the abrahamic faiths originating from the middle east are dogmatic about destroying any native religion so they can maintain moral control over the host culture.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609201202ca

> went straight after the head

Do you have a fever? "We" were herded in with no plan or objective and were just trying to do what we saw the leftists doing in previous weeks that was getting them what they wanted. Just without all the violence and destruction.

There was no going for the head, there were selfies taken with feet on the desk because there was no plan.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66609201202ca

How bad would they get fucked up if they lost all iron dome launchers?

How many do they have?

/v/WWIII viewpost?postid=6660abb2e8185

What are you selling and what's the base price?

I encourage mass downvoting and Amish shunning if this doesn't get answered.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6660665536878

There's a lot of independent tradesmen who do their own selling and are far shittier and dishonest than your average salesman. (Plenty of honest ones too)

Salesmen in general are just a little annoying and can come off as plastic.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6660665536878

I don't know much about you, but I know you're not a programmer.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=665fe742b7806

> I know it's not all jews,
I don't want to offend anyone but...

It's been a long time, but I talked like that before I was fully redpilled but was learning.

Also I talk like that to normies sometimes to get more basic points across for them to think about later.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=665f6f9405167

Idk, Foo's approach isn't my approach, but I appreciate him being persistent and visible. Let's say he's absolutely right and Christianity is a jewish culture trap that weakens Whites. Being nice about it isn't going to snap anyone out of it, but in your face statements that require gymnastics and "faith" to argue against just might.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=665f6f9405167

Yeah, they're herd followers, of course they wont wake up.

But if the herd is riled up against the jews, even in the short term, then that is good for us.

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=6657ff0bee6fb

I don't trust him at all. He's owned by israel.

But, I will admit that things shifted hard when he was first elected, as far as people waking up.

I also think publicly tying him to israel at every opportunity will help enrage the left towards the jews, possibly to the point they start taking antifa style action. Especially if he gets re-elected.

Broadcast the Trump wall meme along with the aipac "our guys always get elected" meme at their precise moment of rage when he wins and watch what happens.

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=6657ff0bee6fb

Finally something more than words against those demons.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6657b19b4c70f