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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 505 (+534/-29)
ccp: 124 (+178/-54)
votes given: 214 (+144/-70)
score: 629


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with video of lasers from the sky spreading they can't play it off and ignore it forever if they keep using it. Prempting with seeding they open up doors to blame many things on aliens if they keep the grift up

/v/Space viewpost?postid=659724a7aab7f

I logged in to downvote because of this from my regular lurking. Comparing Jews to Christians is truly subversive. especially these nobody clowns who were provided as controlled dissent redirection

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6596279b57d05

Christ left us a Church not a book. Mathew 16:18

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6589b53f11ab1

you lost me at the lie about pagan christmas trees and easter lol. Stop believing jews about everything

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6589b53f11ab1

I hwve read lots of works from this time period and including lots reporting on the average person. This is probably a cherry picked satire piece taken serious or jewish propaganda from the era to make another nation look stupid

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6581c19b50394

This doesnt match anything I have read from that era at all. This is probably jewish "look at the idiots" propaganda of the time like those fake interviews with americans that were from tik tok a while ago

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6581c19b50394

She is christian in name only and trying to use a psuedo christianity to manipulate. 1 timothy 2:11-12. Mathew 10:9-14. Bible says shake your dust off your sandals and turn your back

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6580824bb958d

Dogs can learn about as much as a todler

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=657dc189ecd7c

Depends on breed but we have known for decades dogs can understand about as much as a toddler. They say they can learn up to the level of a 6 year old. Cats too to a degree but they have very impulsive momentary memories compared to the pack hunter dogs

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=657dc189ecd7c

The dog definitely is doing it for attention but it isnt random. Dogs can understand about as much as a 6 year old they have found. Not bright but like a toddler who shows you the dog shit they found

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=657dc189ecd7c

Dogs and cats can understand about as much as a toddler to varying degrees depending on breed. Cats are very bad at remembering short term and impulsive so if you have the cat run inside and you pick it up and cuddle it for a few minutes then toss it out it doesnt learn more than pick up = love but dogs are pack communicators and strategizers.

Basically if a todler would say it a dog would also be able to so theoretically it is possible. Like low IQ niggers can talk even though they are not bright

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=657dc189ecd7c

They just are mad that a group that has actually done things against jews and has opposed jews for 2000 years exists so need to spread strawmen for the jew( if they are not themselves jewish. Like feds calling everyone who posts truth a fed)

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6573db0008e97

How many of us have been self facedoxed like this goat? I have been since the start from my username and bringing people here who know that.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6571c8eaed2ee

Chinese vs jewish censorship but a after the dublin riot ago I got a strike for naming the jew and they started capitulating. Used to successfully appeal every comment naming the jew that triggered users reported

/v/news viewpost?postid=656b268ce86d3

This isn't a secret or anything. Waaaaay back when ( mariline monroe, john wayne, charlie chaplain) the hollywood method was to create personalities and have the actor/personality play themselves and be to the people a larger than life persona everyone recognized to use for advertisement. This was the days of competition. They started after the 60s/70s expirimenting with new methods and attempts because, partly, these cults of personality persons were getting too influential and had too much pull in the studios and public eyes. They also were expirimenting with doing it to directors and producers too. So the new programs they did while still maintaining the old ones a bit during transition was to have the power of monopoly and custom/habit be how they get people to consume the propaganda. So the 90s was the last of the big star old fashioned hollywood way and now, especially with things like netflix, the goal is to try and make the brand be the star rather than the actors and directors. Instead of promoting the actor they promote the brand. The old actors we have who are made out as big stars are just grandfathered program inheritance. They didn't change the old guys programs they just quit making new stars and started new programs. This is an open hollywood thing. Even the stars we have are much much less glamorized and promoted as the star rather than studio or franchise the way they were in the 50s and earlier

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=656a22b20258b

I generally agree. Unless it is a high effort lecture most things are dragged out. Even most 20 minute videos could just be 5 minutes long

/v/alttech viewpost?postid=6567cef2195eb

He is lying. I am Often Wrong not he

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=6566b891e1ba5

He is not me but we are all often wrong. I have noticed this phenomena on many discord servers where people start to use that phrase more. Sometimes it is definitely intentional but sometimes I think it is subtle and unconscious.

I am definitely against "skilled immigration" that is retarded and ignorant of how genes and groups work. Even if they are non tribal and going to a non tribal place a portion of their children will be and hence the hyper individualism breaks down due to natural order

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=6566b891e1ba5

yet the people had to pay them their taxes

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6567691827dc7

that is incels not MGTOWS. they are similar but distinct groups

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64b3ebf963b31

I don't know what free masons you have engaged with but free masons are flat earthers

/v/SimulationEarth viewpost?postid=64c53ee4bd730