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Member for: 1.2 years

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score: 238

Racket.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


It's a protection racket. A grift. Same as "Carbon Credits" for the Green New Deal with EV's and Renewable Solar and Wind Energy for Net Zero Carbon Emissions Push where they are telling you you'll be demonized (by their activist terrorists) if you don't buy into the scheme claiming they're protecting the world from a nonexistent climate crisis. Think about it this way. The more companies they send under with these grifts, the more companies become forever in debt to the globalist corporations like Black Rock and Vanguard. And when companies are indebted to a bigger entity, they tend to bend all the way backward to swallow any orders they send down the chain of command.

Think about that one leak from a supposed game dev who explained that the reason why they make female characters in modern games "uglified" is because they get "tax returns" from somewhere and also to make the characters look closer to tr*ns people, as they can't get "naturally gifted assets". Apart from that, said dev also mentioned companies swallow the agenda because they don't want these activist terrorists riling up their employees into unionizing and tanking the company. Oh, and don't forget that for other games like Starfield, there are other companies that do the same grift even if SBI isn't directly involved in them. At this point we need throw the baby out with the bathwater because it's soaked in all these companies who are just there to grift video game consumers as a whole.

Also, the question still remains unanswered... If male and female, men and women, are just imaginary...then what are tr*ns men and tr*ns women trying to "transition" into?
There's a new steam group called "Ziff Davis Inc Detected" thats calling out games that are affiliated with Ziff Davis, another woke public traded company that owns Humble Games and IGN. I recommend it! Gamers are finally assembling groups to kick out these woke publishers that are ruining out game     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Sweet Baby Inc should change their slogan to, "we will get you a tax break of a few million, but your game will lose hundreds of millions because of it. Sounds good right?"     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Ibet the woke in these corporations and the CEO's and shareholders are actively shorting their own companies stock, doing bets and puts against their companies, and walking away with bank like nothing ever happened.
RICO THEIR ASSES!     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Questions need to be asked if this consulting in games to make them woke falls under Criminal Rico Law. They are effectively running a racketeering operation by threatening game studios with negative ad campaigns if their consulting services are not hired. This is no different from strong arm Mafia extortion tactics.
So let me get this straight and hetero. 4chan has 500 threads on burning man who self imhoelated in front of the Israeli embassy in DC but barely anything on GamerGate 2? 4chan is compromised.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


It's monitored by FBI/DOJ/NSA/DHS/CIA and leftists post on it and trannies jannies censor and ban. Look into GoodSmile. They're owned by Disney. Tragic.
That time of year again. Balktimore and Maryland will burn from this police shooting.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


A black cop shoots a black man in his own apartment on the first day of black history month.
An observation     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


It took me 5 years of training to get my own tools and run a job. It takes cops a few months' training on how to take civillians down, then they are given gun, tazer, spray, batons, cuffs, and the backing of 200,000 other cops, unions, courts to go out and destroy lives. Fact: Law enforcement is the profession with the highest percentage of domestic abusers in the United States. Why are abusers attracted to the profession of law enforcement?
5 Ron Johnson corruption scandals     (endcitizensunited.org)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


There is a legend in WI that a state supreme court justice a male choked a female justice in front of the other justices in a justices office over a disagrement.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Kenosha P.D awash in brutality, corruption before high profile police shooting.     (www.thedailybeast.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Police violence and misconduct is not isolated in WI it's wideapread.
Maybe 15 years old but still worth a read. 93 Milwaukee officers disciplined for violating law.     (www.jsonline.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Milwaukee sucks.
Milwaukee has paid over 40million$ in settlements over police brutality within a decade.     (www.wisn.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Corruption in Milwaukee. Grand jury investigation underway     (www.belling.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Mayor of Madison and city clerk charged with bribery.     (www.lifesitenews.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Steven Avery isn't the only case with blood evidence being planted. Here are other cases including one case in Kenosha. Most of these articles i'[m linking can be found by Binging corruption in Wisconsin.     (www.postcrescent.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Nearly 200 officers back on the job after being fired for misconduct. WI is corrupt.     (wisconsinwatch.org)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Police abuse is a feature of WI life not a bug which is sad.
Story about lots of police brutality in WI     (www.aclu-wi.org)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


And before when i was trying to post here and after i posted to another site the same thing my browser froze on me so clearly i'm over the target and pissing off WI and the FBI/DOJ/CIA.
Manitowoc County has a culture of corruption.     (www.newsweek.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Steven Avery was a very polarizing issue for the state of WI and i think he was rail roaded. Maybe in the year of exposer in 2024 he will be exonerated.
WI courts are corrupt especially in Dane County.     (wicourtscorrupt.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Now WI courts, government, media, feds, businesses, and police will face my ethics for the harm WI has doen to me for the mere crime of living in the state.
WIcourtsarecorrupt     (wicourtscorrupt.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


We look at corruption in the WI courts in particular in Dane County.
I now pick up where old voat user WI is corrupt left off. I will begin my mission and series tackling corruption from right, left, independent in the state i live in that has harmed me. Revenge is coming.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


We start with the story of the largest police brutality settlement in the states history.
I have a theory about a conspiracy.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Trans and feminist employees of video game studios groomed all the transvestite mass shooters and armed them and even funded and armed Hamas and the Houthis and made bank off bitcoin when it was first introduced. I think activists got invested early in bitcoin and people in the video game studios and consulting firms that push DEI, people like Zoe Quinn, Maya Felix Kramer, etc funded October 7 in Israel. They then made bank off illegal stock options, puts, shorts, the works. And now people are in the streets and on campuses yelling free Palestine. Now fast forward to Israel invading Gaza and now SJWs are betting Israel will win and have invested in wartime stocks and Israeli companies and banks. They also are invested in gun manufacturers. And they've been messing with games to tank them and betting against video game companies on the NYSE. It's financial sabotage and terrorism. And i think CAIR and Saudi Arabia are involved in meddling too.
The deflection and hit pieces against gamer's has already begun.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Kotaku just dropped a turd yeah code brown. It's all a right wing conspiracy according to Kotaku. I'm independent. Kotaku lies. I won't link the article because it's filled with turbo cancer and falsehoods, lies, misleading accusations, and garbage from a cockroach. It's just pure deflection. If other sites write similar articles i'll know it's a big club and we ain't in it. And i'm glad i'm not. Next to happen is probably a whistle blower like Eron Gjoni or something like games journo pros.
Of course i should've thought of this before.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


France just legalized abortion this year and the Olympics is in Paris this year. Ubisoft is French and has studios in Canada. I wonder how deep Sweet Baby Inc is into Ubisoft. And is the Olympic game committee involved in pushing the woke agenda around the world hint they are. What i'm saying is is Sweet Baby, Ubisoft, and the Olympic Committee along with DARPA, DiGRA, Blackrock, and Vanguard all conspiring for pushing woke at the Olympics games at least in Paris this year and were they all except for Ubisoft of course in Japan's case involved with the past games in Tokyo in 2021? That would explain why Sony is in California now and why adult manga was taken off the shelves and why it never returned. Sweet Baby is inside of Sony obviously they even mention it in their partners list. And i wonder how Campo Santos, Valve, and Sweet Baby are connected because of the adult anime purge from Steam and the whole Sweet Baby curator incident. You know India is trying to get the youth Olympics for 2029 and the actual Olympics for 2036. Indian's are way deep in the tech industry like how 2 Indian's run Google and YouTube and 1 runs Microsoft and 1 use to run Twitter. This is about money going from Blackrock and Vanguard straight into tech companies and the Olympic game committee and then straight to India where all the tech jobs are. Son of a bitch. They tuk er jubs.
Did the Ontario government give government grants to Sweet Baby Inc and did Alec Holowka's transvestite sister give SBI all his money after he died?     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago