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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 208 (+212/-4)
ccp: 117 (+119/-2)
votes given: 3770 (+3159/-611)
score: 325


If i remember correctly the pictures with the striped pajamas came from gulags in russia and were staged as holocaust photos. I could be mistaken though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616b26a594369

The sign that says mad max just fits so well.

/v/FeralBantuInvaders viewpost?postid=616b1013bb611

The chapter im on is going over this exact subject. It shows a bit of a different interperitation though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d8b43e4e77

Yes. Clearly its a bit above your intellect to understand what critical thinking is. Read the book, then talk shit once all the information is in front of you. Thats what white people do. Making assumptions off of a random scroll and a trigger word is exactly what a lazy nigger or kike would do. Quit being lazy, read it yourself then come at me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d8b43e4e77

Says the lazy nigger not willing to even read the comments on this thread. I clearly said i am reading it. Just checking to see if any other nigger fags have taken time to read it. Im fully capable of finding literature, opening the book, reading the words with an open mind, and waiting until all of the information is in front of me to make my critical analysis. Something you are clearly not even willing to entertain because you are a lazy nigger, or a kike.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d8b43e4e77

It explains how the aryan race came and took over pajeet land and where that is referenced in the shitskin holy books. It talks about how the aryans interbred with local "natives" to create the pajeets which ultimately led to the decline of the society. It explains how whites were responsible for all of the ancient civilizations and architecture that has been discovered. Idk if that helps your concerns or not. Read it. If anything its a cool story to give some different perspective. Plus its free.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d8b43e4e77

Its decent. Its a bit speculative, but he has references cited for most of his claims. I did a bunch of looking into ancient civilizations and stuff back when i thought i was a hippy. This book rings a few bells for stuff that had kinda been unanswered for me. It makes some sense though once compiled in this manor. It's interesting to think that we might be decendent from the atlanteans. It is also interesting to think that if this book is correct, that all of the ideas about why we are white could be wrong as well. If being white originated with the "god kings" then the whole hypothesis about a higher melanin content being needed near the equator wouldnt really stand up. If we are decendents of "those who from the heavens came" (annunaki) and they were white, then it could be hypothesized that our whiteness comes from no sun exposure living amongst the stars. Some interesting thought processes have been kick started for sure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d8b43e4e77

Started reading it yesterday. It seems a bit outlandish, but im up for entertaining the ideas within. A lot of what is said in just the first few chapters is pretty compelling, but i will finish it before giving any credence. Will let ya'll know since ya'll are just too nigger lazy to read it yourself.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d8b43e4e77

Check out food grade diatomaceous earth. It is an anti parasitic thats 100% natural.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615cf66f660f0

What happened to the quail subverse?

/v/Homesteading viewpost?postid=60adc1e9c9305

That cat has hitler's comb over. Im fucking dead!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60adc4c97df87

Oh i see now. He undermined your people so you fee fees are hurt. Its all good. You kikes will burn in hell for what you all do to this world.go suck a baby dick.

/v/Hope viewpost?postid=609181330868f

Your apology means nothing nigger. He's more worried about that money than his six kids he abandoned.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60abb9a40dd53

Hey you spelled hate isreal wrong...

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60aac00251e40

Yes they are, but my wife and i both have blue eyes. Our first daughter has blue eyes, so this one is more than likely the same.I come from a long line of blue eyed people, so i know the gene is strong.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60aa8271ab907


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6099a05f6705d

Nothing on shedding, but a close friend has an aqaintence who has not stopped having her period since she got the shot and the dr is telling her they are not sure if she will be able to have kids in the future now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6095815477195