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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: -85 (+157/-242)
votes given: 0 (+0/-0)
score: -85


I always bake my bacon. 400F for 20 or so minutes. Comes out perfect and the grease gets saved for salad dressing or I pour it over the dog food. Do a pound a week.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=617c5e19eaec5

That is AWESOME!

Where did you get the bentonite clay? Just use unscented cat litter or what?

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=617c5ac61b129

If it fails the review please let me know what can be changed to make it passable. I have no problems editing the capture more as long as I feel my side of the story is being heard. I can figure out how to do a blur filter of the entire photo in question or whatever is needed.

/v/MeanwhileOnSVF viewpost?postid=617c482bf0a38

How do we find out how many "followers" a user has?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=617bb7cdd434d

Hey OP, that is a capture from SVF. It isn't child pornography. Why do you think you have to lie about things like that?

If you have an issue with my post on SVF, take it up with SearchVoat!

Thanks for giving my post more attention. It is nice feel like I am being heard.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=617c4bb976981

You are mixing up two different issues here. I am talking about my recent submission to v/guns that Helena called PORN. It isn't porn.

My interest in the Mark Ryden stuff was solely to find stuff to trigger you crybabies with. I have no personal interest.

I am not wrong. Nudity does not equal pornography.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=617b305fba99d

I wasn't aware that existed nor do I have any interest perusing them, but I appreciate you sharing that information.

The purpose of this post wasn't really about children specifically, just accurate language. It drives me nuts when people call something that it isn't to suit their agenda.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=617b305fba99d

>And unban ALS and anybody else that got caught up the last time you got butthurt.

ALS is a closet pedo and I don't want him here. u/mumbleberry should be banned again too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=617bb7cdd434d


I didn't post any porn yesterday. That woman firing a handgun topless is not porn. You just had to virtue-signal didn't you roastie? Why is it you have to lie about me when you virtue-signal?

Maybe I will post some porn now, what kind do you like?

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6179d22405a1b

Why are you the site gatekeeper? You have 3 downvotes left before you have to upvote more.

/v/music viewpost?postid=617ac028d45a1

This is a horrible case of alcohol abuse. I bet that woman ran her mouth off and probably also tried to steal that mans beer!

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=617981c0e4986

REEEEEEEEEEE Cynabuns you must apply the GORE tag I got scared!

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6179a7d4b71d2

Learn to read roastie. I didn't say you downvoted THIS post. I said you downvoted the two I linked. And I know you found them by going through my user page because they were hidden from /all.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=616c6c36398fe

I figure about 72% of the users on this site are stupid.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=616c6c36398fe

No use arguing with retarded people on the internet, goat. Your post probably was downvoted by some here who didn't even view it but downvoted it because they saw the "Adult" tag. Some here think the woman pictured here is nude from the waist down, though she is clearly wearing underwear: https://files.catbox.moe/r47n4q.jpg


The gatekeepers (ninnies & sissies) here consider "fearful screams" to be GORE, and this ADULT. Though in this case I do think the ADULT tag applies even though the need for a distinction between NSFW and ADULT is the gayest thing I have seen on the internet since 1990.

This isn't Voat. Voat is dead. I miss it too.

Just like on Poal, rules here are selectively enforced. This post should have never been allowed to stay in v/pics: https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6171b5fbc27cd or this one https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=616b4b3ea3a0f or this one https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6168ddb431fd9 - all three of those violate the rules of the v/pics sub.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6178b23723bbe

Randall Carlson has been looking into cool shit for a long damn time. Sadly this video won't get much an audience here but I appreciate you posting it. Love stuff like this.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616c8be3a171e

I even get instant downvotes on posts I hide from /all/new. The stalking is real!


Those downvotes were from @PostWallHelena, who quit after I pinged system.

I made lots of posts today that I excluded from /all, you may find some interesting or entertaining.


Thanks for noticing.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=616c6c36398fe

>I wish ALS was around

I don't! Fuck that asshole.

>I can't tell if this is pedophilic child abuse, incest or just the natural beauty of motherhood.

By his standards, this is literal child pornography.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616ca2688da53

I am the only user here that has posted to v/MarkRyden.

How does your question relate to this topic?

/v/IdeasForTalk viewpost?postid=616c6fef8f1af

>She's bottomless, which is exposing her buttocks and genitalia

Bullshit, you can clearly see she is wearing white underwear. Unless I am mistaking tan lines for underwear, which I seriously doubt. I swear I am living in a different world than the rest of you.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=616c83ae63dac

ALS Closet Pedo

CD5 Fat Old Woman

PostWallHelena Angry Roastie

/v/funny viewpost?postid=616c8d2c06be1

Not a picture.

From the v/pics sidebar:

>*No memes, drawn images, or infographics; post these in a sub like v/all or v/whatever.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=6168ddb431fd9

I like my title better but both "Sunday Hopium" and "Q-LARPing boomer-tier bullshit" would make for accurate titles.

I'm trying to be positive today.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=616c6c36398fe