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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 3893 (+4212/-319)
ccp: 4023 (+4632/-609)
votes given: 6222 (+4173/-2049)
score: 7916


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Daily, AetherGoats, Goats_on_Aether, Ideas_for_twitter, GoatFitnessClub, a_ben_shaprio_as_a_unit_of_measurement,
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You should look into Lithium Orotate as well.

/v/NaturalRemedies viewpost?postid=666daa0ea06d4

How is your movie nights going? Good attendance?

/v/television viewpost?postid=666cd2601f06a

They could have not gone along with it. Propagandized or not, at this point they could, at the very least, admit they got duped.

But they won't. They'll just pretend everything is alright as the world burns.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=66679fd38ab10

Before they say "They want us divided!!!11!!" ...

...the Boomers divided themselves from the rest of us. An entire generation of shabos goys.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=66679fd38ab10

There was a really simple rule at old Voat that worked really well: "You can't downvote more than you upvote." A ratio is retarded, because upvoting can be abused just like downvoting can.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

It's called Get Woke, Go Broke and it's been a known thing for awhile. Why would replacing competent, intelligent people (mostly white, mostly men) with anything less than that NOT be a disaster? In related news the sky is blue and 2+2=4. In fact, it's so obviously going to result in a disaster, it's exactly what you'd do if you were purposefully *trying* to ruin a company and/or society.

/v/FinancialNews viewpost?postid=6651e3c69f09d

Good for waking up normies on the cusp of becoming awake.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664bcb8759518

So what's your fucking plan?




Oh...nothing. You just sit there and talk about how we can do nothing. You're a kike. Either by genetics, or by your actions.

No really...what do you plan to do about this? You have nothing, you've tried nothing, and you have no ideas. You think being black pilled makes you better than others, when it really makes you worse than a kike. An enemy in our ranks.

Either be productive or go kill yourself. It would help us more if you killed yourself. We'd literally thank you if you killed yourself. If you don't kill yourself, then what are you doing here?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664aa6b5ba725

What do you think you're adding to this conversation? You seem like a pre-pubescent little boy.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664aa6b5ba725


/v/videos viewpost?postid=664aa6b5ba725

And yet it's obviously happened in mass in the last 10-15 years. Looks like you're wrong buddy...looks like you're the one that doesn't understand our species. Looks like you're probably a propagandist who came to the internet a little too late. Have fun losing fucker.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664aa6b5ba725

Do you know anything about Ken O'Keefe?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664aa6b5ba725

You used to find those mounds all over N. America. Early European settlers couldn't help by talk about them all over the place when describing early America. Of course, all most all of them were destroyed and now are hardly talked about.

The largest of them is in Cahokia Ill. Just outside of St. Louis. It's base is larger in circumference than the great pyramid of Giza.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEitA5aY89BaZ0sxCVMPoSBVGr5CBhtYwNJPYyq2NaP0AfWd5t7eTkdcc_hDZuj5TPo2YT7diK7hfNMQ-RP8zCg6Tkf6TMhaekVfOfBqt66xsyTqqM6_C-FmU-LYypdLmcCPJAFvHSmR39o/w664-h388/PSX_20190610_211003.jpg

It's known as Monks Mound.

/v/PaganFarmRemembers viewpost?postid=6649af3d1c148

Nominaly sure, but said control is obviously being rejected by the masses every day now, which is the first step in taking that control away.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=66439177a0013

From their website:

>Your "Private" email will stay "Private"!

Why is the word private in quotes...? That's laughably shady. So your emails aren't actually private they're..."private"...

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=663e4eb94cd71

A real or fake event like this would be a great opportunity to reset a lot of things in this world, and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It would be a good opportunity for anyone who has good intentions too. Maybe do the internet again, but with lessons learned from the first time.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663cedbaaa7bc

>The user name of the poster in your screenshot appears to be the same as yours.

What do you mean "appears to be"? It either is, or it isn't, and yes, I wanted to see what kind of response I could generate with a post that literally said nothing. Nothing negative, nothing positive, just a single word in the title. And it shouldn't have had any response because what the fuck could any of them be responding to?

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=6636579db0290

His solutions are wrong, but at least he identifies the severity of the problem for what it actually is.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6639401fa98a2

You actually think they're mostly real people? I really hope not, because that would be sad.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=6636579db0290

It's not really right under our noses, now that most people are awake to it. This awareness is generational, so yeah, older people don't really get it, but a majority of younger people do. And so, as they do this, we have more and more opportunities to reject it. And we will.

/v/TheJewishProblem viewpost?postid=663431b95613b

He's right though...you don't have to be the victim of jews and if you are then you're a weak bitch. Thinking that obviously doesn't mean you like jews or are one.

Anyways, it's obvious that you hate Owen because you're a jew and he's doing such an effective job at dispelling what you shits do.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=663258f4861ef

You seem like a bot. As in, you don't actually respond to the concept of a post or comment, just the keywords.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662fa4237937d