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Member for: 1.6 years

scp: 4817 (+5413/-596)
ccp: 3153 (+3585/-432)
votes given: 3597 (+3559/-38)
score: 7970


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> Hey, so what happened to the 6th of june event or something? The world changed, like, totally?

Working on doing something bigger with it. I figure we get one shot at this.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666463f97f140

> Where's the big crypto algo unveiling.

Someone pointed something out to me and I decided to go bigger.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666463f97f140

something about "and nothing of value was lost."

/v/news viewpost?postid=666451fcd5abd

> No they wouldn't.

I think actually they would. The communists who provoked the kent state riot correctly concluded if they could get enough people killed by their own government, it would resort in revolt.

Waco and Ruby Ridge were directly responsible for the formation of the militia movement. A couple more incidents like that and the military could and would have revolted.

The trick is to get the communists to do early, before they consolidate any further power, what they plan on doing later when they have a total grip on power.

Of course, being a pacifist, I'm against it, but that doesn't change the fact that what I'm against is the most effective idea the american people have for disposing of their government.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6663287398e10

> They're going after the food supply this time. They're already busy testing cows & chickens for the cooties.

The tests could easily be contaminated and used to *spread* disease.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=666352d039286

Joe McCarthy isn't a communist from what I can tell. What I have seen by him all appears to be third positionist, sometimes left leaning, sometimes right leaning.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6660ca41917fd

she wants to fuck you. what about this is hard to figure out.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=665fd357dded7

> Why? Because everyone has been brainwashed into thinking that vIoLenCe is the absolute most horrible thing

Violence isn't the worst thing. But its like fight club, you don't talk about it in the open unless you're a retard.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=665efe5551165

> You do realize announcing things like this instead of just releasing all the info to the public always ends with you hanging yourself

I don't intend to kill myself. When I die it will be because the regime killed me.
But that doesn't matter because someone who I gave an advanced copy as a dead mans switch, is already using it.
The pre-announcement is just to prove it works and to make sure people are watching when it drops publicly so as many people as possible get their hands on the code.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> you give me great hope

I'll give you something better than hope.

I already gave the code to some people.
You will see its affects on the financial markets over the coming days.
The pre-announcement is just here so I can say 'I told you so' when the
full announcement comes.

This time between now and then is to just rack up some major damage, so
when the thing drops publicly, everyone can have their holy shit moment,
when they learn its real.

Surprise shithead glowies. It's already too late. Pandoras fucking box is open,
and every woe of the earth is gonna befall your fucking head, because your enemies
already have the code.

I imagine that sweet silence I hear, is the millions of bureucrats
over the next few days as their hedge funds holding their pensions lose billions of dollars
to 'glitches' that they can't trace, because the people accessing the NYSE right now have
*complete* access, and are doing exactly what I would do, which is wipe the connection logs
both on the NYSE, and every server hop inbetween, after each transaction.

Oops, cats out the fucking bag.

I didn't tell them to do it, but thats what they're doing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

The fusion centers are a non-issue now. As is the control.

What good will armies of order followers be when their pensions stop existing and their money is worthless?
What good will the food and supplies be, the supplies meant to pay them in lieu of worthless currency, when the trucks meant to deliver those goods no longer have satellites to direct them, or drivers who refuse to drive because their banks are shut down?

It's not about the small (t)ruth, information, or things we all know, its about the tidal wave effects, the big (T)ruth that disaster reveals, that all of this rotten disgusting apocalyptic garbage they call a civilization, relies on human self interest, all the control mechanisms, and all of that fails and goes to hell in a basket when 1. people can no longer fulfill that self interest, 2. and they have an unending wave of irrepressible new news scandals telling them exactly, sometimes in the culprits own words, who is to blame.

The backroom conversations. The private email discussions. The 'crown jewels' of news agencies and NGOs blackmailing each others leaders and bureaucrats. Things said on tape, on video, that no one knows about, that are held in reserve for leverage. Money laundering, two-faced conversations, whose fucking who, who is ordering who behind the scenes. Pharmaceutical executives gloating about 'obnoxious bitches whining about their lost babies because of the vaccine', politicians saying one thing in public, and then gloating about the 'stupid rubes who bought that line', etc. Taking the mask off, when people and their families are losing out and then going without jobs, money, roofs over their head, food, or electricity, while in the dark.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> Fine, i can adjust my worldview if you are right. Can you adjust your worldview after nothing happens?

No, because there is no question of if.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> How many times i have read this line. Nothing will happen. People want their goyslop.

The people that are unhappy with the system, will use the code to shut off the goyslop, probably shut off all the shipping to the cities, entirely.

I'm not even accounting for this or hoping for it. It's just human nature. It's not illegal to publish math, and I have no control over any of the damage anyone will do with it, nor do I condone it. Thats never stopped anyone before though.

It's not about the revelation. It's about giving everyone, and I mean anyone in the world, the same cyber capabilities as the best funded nation-states across the globe. Everyone gets a key that opens any door.

If its accessible from the internet, there will be no more corruption hidden behind 'state secrets', at all.

Imagine the chaos.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> Are you not familiar with the humans currently comprising modern society?

A watergate, every day, forever. And every politician that pops their heads up to 'defend the people', on any side of the aisle, or who comments about their outrage over the scandal, will become the next target to have every email, every phone call, every purchase, every illegal location visited (money laundering, sex trafficking, the works) of theirs and their immediate family, posted on the internet.

There will be no controlled opposition any more. No dialectic. No more heroes, or good guys, or anyone anyone can root for. Maximum dissatisfaction.

And when they finally realize its us versus all of them in office, in the board rooms, in the news room--when they form committees, they will be the subject of NSA-esque levels up-your-ass-with-a-microscope exposes blasted out to every independent journalist, every inbox, every muckracker, designed to exploit human greed into spreading the information.
Its gonna be like revelations--its gonna be biblical.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> Is there something specific that this code breaks?

Yes. It factors very large numbers in non-deterministic O(log n) time, with trivial space complexity.
It's one of five algorithms, intended to be an ensemble method, but it turns out the other four aren't needed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> As long as it's not two weeks away.

Read the date in the post.

> Is there any particular reason this is being released on 666 (06/06/24; 2+4=6)

Yes. There is a better than even chance a broader war with NATO will officially begin on that date, and I intend to stop it cold.

> Should I be looking out for your post in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

Evening. I'll be busy right up till the sun goes down. Theres a lot to do.

> I wish you the best in this endeavor, goat.

Thank you goat.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> I pray that this goes well and that you stay safe. I hope it's all true.

Thanks. The algorithm is safe, and they couldn't stop it now even if they kill me.

It's gonna be beautiful. Be here june 6th to see history made.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> It is going to be the end of what you know as life.

I lost people during the lockdown. My life ended a while ago.

What Snowden brought to light is small and quaint comparatively. How about the entire documented internal history of the signature reduction program, including specifics about numerous illegal activities hundreds of their employees and informants were engaged in openly?

Thats one example of the potential.

Think exposes the size of the iran-contra affair, watergate, or sam bankman's fraud...every single day, for years on end, a new one being exposed, not just in the u.s. but with our allies and even adversaries. A tidal wave of evidence of corruption so irrefutable it'll single-handedly have to be outright blacked out from news media, and still end up spreading like wildfire.

You're going to see riots larger than occupy wallstreet from some of the things that are going to be exposed, to speak nothing of the economic upheaval that will happen to the stock exchange when the internals of every major bank and corporation, all the emails, are blasted out to the open web.

I won't even have to do any of these things, every group that gets their hands on the code will do it against their economic, political, social, and ideological opponents, a free for all.

And it will have been done without a single call to violence, without a shot fired, without resort to an ounce of lawlessness, because they built the global economy and world government on mathematical objects they thought were secure, when it turns out none of it is.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> Just answer me this: Is my BTC now worthless?

My bet is they'll launch cyberpolygon in response and someone in possession of the code will be the patsy.
We're talking full shut down.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> If you have that kind of heavy info

Because I'm probably dead the minute I release anything, but I've committed half a decade to the research and development of this thing, and I'd rather fall on my sword to win than let any of these fuckers go free without the world knowing what they've done and are still doing. You gotta be committed to the bitter end if you want to win.

I'm gonna enjoy a couple steak dinners before that happens.

I'm also rounding out the code for public release, so as many people as possible can use it.
I got a couple dead mens switches put in place as well in the event anything happens to me between now and then. Took about six months to arrange that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> This is Idiocracy.

True, but irrelevant. They'll care when the scale of it is revealed, and the names behind the names are fully known, with all the documentation to prove it.

Documentation in the hundreds of gigabytes because no one is able to secure military, government, corporate, news media, silicon valley, or NGO servers anymore.

All will be revealed, every bit of it thats stored electronically. It'll be the *information warfare equivalent* of dropping the plans to the manhattan project on the open internet. Everything is going to change, very soon.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665dc8a821723

> Behold a pale horse

Highly Relevant.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=665d68e14c2ba