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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 16520 (+18688/-2168)
ccp: 8815 (+10266/-1451)
votes given: 8730 (+8282/-448)
score: 25335


Owner of:
Fragrances, Wristwatches, NYC, Cults, JewCrime, Haberdashery,
Mod of:

You’re right. My bad.

Well, fuck Jews anyway, amirite?

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=666a86d25806b


Then I told ChatGPT that I believed it was covering for Fetterman because they’re both a form of Jewish AI.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=666af734e2df8

He is complaining about “Brown people.”


/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=666a86d25806b

You will see very few in China, and the ones there are looked at like circus animals. They're not nearly as common in most Asian countries as they are here. Also, Balkan countries. If you go to a Muslim country with some form of Sharia Law, you will not see them too often because they have to follow rules and their drug use means like 20 years hard labor, public intoxication is jail time and rape/murder is a death sentence. Theft is amputation at the wrist.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666a5942a0efd

The infuriating thing with them is that their “culture” is mostly revisioning and retconning—all piggybacking off of existing White culture. Why does your new doll have to be named “Barbie?” Why not LaQuonda?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=666a1d6caaabf




/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6669c4f156bdf

I’m not a practicing Christian (or Muslim), but this is some vile shit. Real offensive to anyone who follows the Bible.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=6669b08fe72c6

Supposedly, this is all freemasonry is: You can join under any religion, but when you get to the 33rd degree: Surprise! Satan!

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=6669b08fe72c6

What a fucking psycho. And these Dem hangers-on just allow ol' Joe to fondle away.

Meanwhile, an oversexed philanderer talks glibly about grabbing a pussy with his buddy and female virtue signalers the world over are unhinged lunatics over it.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66697bb197eb8

I too went into business early on in my life, but was met with less-than-stellar results. I would book children's parties and Bar Mitvahs in Boro Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg, Brooklyn as a clown. Aside from the requisite balloon animals and silly banter, I had an interesting look and original sub-routines. My shoes, wig, makeup and oversized tie were pretty standard circus fare, but my nose was unlike the typical, bulbous red ball commonly used in the trade. Instead, I employed a very long flesh-colored nose and would knock things off of shelves with it. This would culminate with me sitting and then getting up and stepping on my nose and then pretending to trip over it while hurling myself to the floor. I also had a dime attached to a string that I would retrieve from the children. Then I would tell the kids that I hid a magical item in the kitchen and that they had to open a door that wasn't a refrigerator or a cabinet to retrieve it. Naturally, the smarter kids would think of the oven. Once one of them opened it, I would implore them to go inside in the back and then I would hold the door closed on them like a merry prankster. Most parents didn't like that part of the routine for some reason and I'm guessing that's why my gigs started to dwindle. So, by late August I was punching a clock again as the summer of Kikels the Klown had come to an abrupt end.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66691e751bb0e

I keep getting smoked by the Jaylen Brown bot on Chess.com. He is ELO rated at 1000, but most people think he plays as a 1600. I am really married to the Philador opening which is easy for most club-level guys to smoke in about 25 moves.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66691e751bb0e

Actually, with regard to illegal immigrants, I would estimate Blacks are roughly 2/3 against it. They know their jobs and social benefits are increasingly threatened with each wave of the arriving hordes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666921e9e720c

It's commie bullshit. McDonald's was essentially an apprenticeship for young adults to develop the necessary skills and habits to succeed in the workforce. No one expected to be there at 35 years old raising 3 "keedz."

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66691e751bb0e

It's China, I'm sure that with the rhino horns, bat wings and pufferfish scales, there are some trafficked human parts in there, as well.

/v/WetShaving viewpost?postid=6668ff8fc64a8

Very few of these cunts under 35 take time to shave their face. They barely even shape up their stinky hippie beards.

/v/WetShaving viewpost?postid=6668ff8fc64a8

Niggers, essentially.

Boston Markets started closing in NYC late last year and that hurt my heart. I used to love Boston Market.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=6650cd26e5d39

In NYC I was wearing Hoodies all through May and now that we’re almost in the middle of June, I’m not exactly burning up, either.

/v/ClimateTards viewpost?postid=66688c98ec987

I’m so sick of hearing about Nazis. Jews are such fucking retards that they believe their own bullshit. Someone can’t dislike Jews without being a “Nazi.” I don’t really fetishize Hitler like that. Henry Ford is my nigguh, though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666845107bf74

Probably a retired drug dog alerting to the crack cocaine in his pocket.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6668368805d39

All 4 of my Rolexes were purchased brand new at an AD with boxes, papers and receipts.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=66684a42ac8dc

I don’t keep track, but when I see their posts I cringe.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=666780ce64d9c


/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6668002d70ef1

Probably 15% of Voat are self-congratulating, backwoods hillbillies with similarly deficient cognitive and verbal abilities of the same niggers they see fit to make fun of. I have seen some atrocious grammar on here and most of it is NOT due to typos. I would guess the average IQ here to be about 120, but we have a handful of 85ers, too.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=666780ce64d9c

Plenty of jobs here for them here in NYC. I have worked around my fair share of 80's and 90's.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6668002d70ef1