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Member for: 3.7 years

scp: 1134 (+1216/-82)
ccp: 16573 (+17404/-831)
votes given: 14834 (+14193/-641)
score: 17707


RMGoetbbels 1 point 22 minutes ago

Vote harder, that'll get you clear.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=672412d8cd67b

I discovered Sellier & Belot back in the late 90's when I needed .30 carbine ammo. I still remember, I bought a case for $7.59 a box.

Some of the best shooting rounds I've ever fired. Clean, accurate, no real metal flash and minor smoke.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=6724082e78320

Yeah, like they can replace your girlfriend.

Wait a minute, on second thought I'd replace my girlfriend with a robo doll before I ever replaced my dog.

Dogs are not disposable.

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=6723e2b46f63e

I love my kamalla government, its the greatest. I don't even know these people, I was just looking for a white house donation page and got directed here.

I'm not doing anything wrong at all.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6723d9cd596bb

Who the fuck cares what those island niggers like or don't like!

If you want to vote, become a US state dickheads. Until then shut your fucking mouths and mind your business.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6723a72957032

The niggers will just steal it all anyway.

Niggers started invading my area for Halloween some years back, it's safe, easy and well watched around here.

I, and apparently a shitload of other neighbors stopped handing out candy. It's been a ghost town for a few years now. No one even bothers.

Niggers ruin everything.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67236661a52ef

I can tell Elon how to save $10 fucking billion the first year and every year after if he's looking for cuts.

Then we can cut half of that shit hole we call a government and save 100 billion easy.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6722ae98288c1

I guess we all vary in how we address women with problems but I stick to the tried and true, "pack your shit, you're out of here!"

It's worked all 5 times I needed it to.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=67227924e5158

We need to find the one bastard that wasn't in Detroit. The nerve of that cocksucker trying to hone in on this!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67228b936766a

Despite *the talk* I don't track every single user here, just the bad ones.

Just be happy that I put dangus into the time out corner for awhile.

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=67216d9022013

It would be difficult for me to allow her to give me head. Not impossible though

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6722389ca97bb

Those eyes also have hands that are attached that always expect them to be filled because of their service to the Jew and their own personal gains.

If I had a quarter for Everytime a vet said *Imma veturun....* expecting some form of handout or preference....

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6722496e886a0

I kind of miss their "This is misinformation" disclaimers at the bottom of everything I like.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6722066242184


I'd explain to Hitler that he's going to be blamed for the crime so he might as well commit it. But better.

Then I'd fix the invasion of Russia and put a stop to that whole Normandy thing.

/v/AnonWhatever viewpost?postid=6721aa79c0047

I can't wait until they start getting dragged off to the camps. I know it won't happen January 21st or anything but probably that week.

It'll probably take a few months and we'll really have to work to turn a lot of people in but I think we can do it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=672195d51031c


/v/askanon viewpost?postid=67216d9022013

He and Diggernicks are hanging out. I know I know, they're an unlikely pair but love is love.

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=67216d9022013

Not really. Yugo as in Tito not former Yugoslavia.

More than likely the same tooling, just worn and the quality requirements don't end with imprisonment.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=67215d0cdc929

AK's have a clear and well determined line of quality.

Russian, Bulgarian, Yugo, Hungarian, Chinese. Everything else is crap.

Edit- forgot East German aka Unobtainium. A VZ58 is also not an AK.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=67215d0cdc929