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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 111 (+118/-7)
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score: 491

Need some help from you guys on info about World Affairs Council     (whatever)

submitted by Just_me to whatever 8 months ago


Headline pretty much sums it up. I did some brief research, but I'm off to work soon and would like to know about any dark sides that you info savvy folks have a talent for. Wont be near a phone for awhile, but thanks in advance for any help
Serious question about finding more info on a person. Need help folks     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 9 months ago


I need more info on a person who is a long term substitute in my area. I'm aware of doxxing a user is a no no, but all I have is a last name. (School just started and I'm just learning some shitty stuff yet, so a last name is all i have)
Also, I get that all the usual cocksuckers will scream about homeschooling and I'm a kike or whatever else, but I need help with more info about a public school employee.
This person has absolutely no online presence, no LinkedIn info, no Facebook (I can't personally attest to this, but a friend who uses it for marketplace couldn't find anything) For a comparison, I googled myself and most of my info and family came up. I don't use fb, Twitter, or anything else besides this site for actual online interaction. Sad maybe, but if it wasn't for you beautiful fucks, my daughter and I would be fully vaxxed by now.
I've searched a bunch of meagans law websites by surrounding states, but little luck. One possible candidate, but I doubt it.
Any thoughts are appreciated, as always I expect this to be picked apart and used against me somehow, but I welcome the feedback nonetheless
Fucking schools...just filled out my kids paperwork for first day of school today...     (whatever)

submitted by Just_me to whatever 9 months ago


Ok, I don't post too often and I generally comment when compelled, but I'm an old voat user with a different name that I couldn't remember the password to and refuse to leave lying around. I have to vent. I just read through the entire student manual and highlighted it like a ""lawyer"" would. There's pages of financial responsibility for damaged laptops and available "" insurance", only a few sentences on weapons.

There are disclaimers about phones all over the place,(which I almost totally didn't disagree with at all), but they want the right to use your child's image as they see fit.

The straw that broke the camels back for me, and I'd really like to post a pic for you folks, but I'm not savvy enough to do from a phone without even more risk of an idiot hacking or doxxing me, is the school pictures offer from Lifetouch (appropriate name). 6 pictures of example kids on the front. Only one who is white is a down syndrome kid. I stand up for special needs people when needed, and generally don't get too worked up over this bullshit, but Jesus Christ I can't believe this nonsense.

There's several more rants about the school handbook, but I'm typing on a phone and am already exhausted.

Fuck you I'm not a fed, heeb, or faggot if that's your take on this, but ill laugh at it just the same as I do all of it.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling autocorrect..I don't have the energy to edit until tomorrow
Posting regret and/or hind sight 20/20?     (whatever)

submitted by Just_me to whatever 1.3 years ago


Ever post something that you were either drunk, or angry, or whatever at the time, but thought better of it later. Most of my would be posts have been erased right away after thinking way too much about it as I'm typing. Just an honest question I'm debating in my head.
AI confusion possible ?     (whatever)

submitted by Just_me to whatever 1.4 years ago


Just had an idea for ai that I got from some prank phone calls that were popular on Howard sterns show from years ago.

Yes, I know...jew, jew, jew...nigger, blah blah and so on. But being young and unaware, it was funny shit mostly. I don't listen anymore and haven't for years, so there's that.

Has anyone one pitted 2 or more ai against each other on any topic, if it's even possible?
T mobile outage?     (whatever)

submitted by Just_me to whatever 1.4 years ago


I've been without most of my data today in eastern pa...anybody else similar issues or know of anything?
Thoughts on RSV     (AskGoats)

submitted by Just_me to AskGoats 1.4 years ago


Been seeing alot of warnings about this. Is this a new threat or fear mongering or another Vax side effect or...?
I'm calling it, and no I'm no q fag or Trump supporter     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by Just_me to ShowerThoughts 1.9 years ago


They'll reinstate Trump a day before his legit second term so he can't win 24 or undo anything else.. then itll be so fucked up, nobody will notice who they install next..."As the world turns..."
Where are all the cult interventionists sounding alarms?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 2.3 years ago


Shouldn't all these people who have survived one or can recognize one, start posting red flags for years...or is that just for aliens, drugs, or sex related...which is normal and accepted...whereas theres no way our gubments could possibly be doing the same...oh wait, there the ones you pay for therapy to be normal. Thoughts?
Anybody else the last of the unvaxxed in their circle?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago


So far, all of my family that I care about, almost all of my friends, and anybody I'd consider an acquaintance have been jabbed... my wife amongst them. My daughter and I are the last of the Mohegans... shes 11 and I warned everything that breathes what will happen if they come near her with a needle. Hoping the mandates ease up soon like the rest of the world seems to be doing, so the vaxxed can fuckoff and deal with their decision. It's gonna get harder to protect her if the pressure continues. Her pediatrician is a jew I think and has no self thinking skills. Now I'm rambling and thanks for your time.
Rittenhouse trial     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 2.6 years ago


I haven't watched much of the trial, but was curious if any of the lawyers questioned how these idiots organized, shared their peaceful ideas on protests, and who may be sponsoring them. Would make sense to include any people or organizations in this trial
Bucket list?... life's wonders and travels and unicorn snowflakes or fuck it, im on my way out     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


If you're terminal, what would you like to do before you go? Kinda like asking what would you do if you won the lottery, but this one might be more reasonable and attainable.
McAfee dead man switch     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Any news? Seems like the story disappeared immediately
Silver lining for Covaids?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Just_me to AskUpgoat 3.2 years ago


After being so preoccupied with trying to educate people and fight back against this bullshit, I realized there is somewhat of a plus...if you can call it that in this clownworld. Without question, proof, or any visible/ physical contact, you can get out of literally anything just by saying "I have covid, came in contact, traveled...blah blah blah etc. Please list your precious gifts below to help the rest of us.
Good to be back     (whatever)

submitted by Just_me to whatever 3.2 years ago


Missed you assholes, poal was getting a little stuffy. I thought reddit took a pounding from you guys, but poals ops are getting destroyed. Looking forward to this new version, hope it lasts