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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 9674 (+10704/-1030)
ccp: 20349 (+21393/-1044)
votes given: 7836 (+6097/-1739)
score: 30023


jews are behind almost all our troubles. White men share a little blame but only because we were cursed with empathy and let our women stray, so that's on us. Again, jews are the root to all evil. Not white women.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=665c6fc48a5f5

Certainly. It was said during his owen benjewin interview and owen admits he is a kike during this little gem https://www.bitchute.com/video/BNG3Ujc7I6VO/

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665c5d4383786

Give them nothing, but take from them everything, brother.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=665c3ee9cffba

Never forget that jew rogan said he can't wait for white people to be exterminated.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665c5d4383786

Why're you blaming white women? That's very jewish. Its jews fault. Its zionist retards fault.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=665c6fc48a5f5

We're here if ya need us. Thank you and cum again

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665c845fd153f

so you want me to hold my balls up while spraying water on my asshole while shitty water droplets spray everywhere? wtf is this? I'll wipe my ass like a man and use a wet wipe to finish.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b4f4c1e06e

GUISE, lets breed with 13 year olds and have kids! Then lets convert to islam and you send all your money, gold and silver to my po box. I'm only 1/4 jew so it doesn't count!! IDK how to use a riding lawn mower and I buy my firewood from home depo but I'm a homesteader and a farmer... even though I don't own a tractor. lets buy some more land, guise. Send me money and pay your gay away!

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=665bce9017fc2

This is highly homosexual, but its June.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=665bdcd37bb51

Its easy for me. I don't care what anyone thinks other than my wife & kids.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=665be762231ac

Yep. jews did the same thing to the Germans. The Russians. etc, etc

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=665bd5d6b358d

You have shitty turd water dripping off your balls and now your balls smell like poop.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b4f4c1e06e

I'd start doing like owen benjewin and say "oy vey goyim, I'm only 1/4 jewish now send all your gold, silver and money to my po box so I don't have to pay taxes on it. Pay the gay away and send me your money!!"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b56f5bee84

maybe gayjames will message me and ask me to mod that sub too like he did the askpeckerwoodperry sub? kek

/v/NewSubIntro viewpost?postid=665b6e3c664d8

I hope it was a jew and they stabbed him in the back like all other jews have and then watch him lick jew ass. Its all so bizarre.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=665b774cc21d8

Most of the mexican gov are jews and always have been. Most of the biggest cartels are jewish. 'member when el chapo got arrested and he and his wife went to court wearing israeli jewelry. lol

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b87e6f353f

If it said "doglegwarrior" that's what would make me cringe and call him a bear faggit.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=665b97cf19bc7

ol sniffy been in the powder, it seems.

/v/BasedDepartment viewpost?postid=665b9eacbe4bd

holee fuckballs, it looks like a merchant crossed with a witch goblin. Look at it rubbing its hands. That is a demon from hell. It is the god of this world(satan, moloch) chosen. I bet if you even get near her your credit rating goes down and the interest goes up.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=665bb40bda96e

yay guise lets take pride in a man sticking his dick in anudda mans asshole and getting shit on it! PRIDE!! WOOO HOOO

Lets take pride in two burly bull dykes wiggling on a nigger dildo wooooo PRIDE!! Lets all take pride in that!! woooo PRIDE!! YEAH!!

Next few years the jews will usher in pride in dog fucking! WOOOO! PRIDE!!

the jewish demons have spread across the Earth where is the God of light to help us? The god of this realm is satan and his people of darkness (niggers, jews, etc).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665bb93bc3883

butthole fucking/flat cocking powers activated!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b3eb8e7917

Goodass song. I still listen to it and blind in texas and in the fire

/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=665aad1d0965f