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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 648 (+733/-85)
ccp: 485 (+1011/-526)
votes given: 6437 (+4561/-1876)
score: 1133


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Bashing a username and trying to project your personal idiocy onto it as a basis for being 'better' than them or 'right'.

Literal kikery right here.

Are you always panicking?

Fucking idiot.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=666c6d7d1888c

This is what you get when one jester can't understand that he shares a space with other jesters.

You're not the only one trying to land a joke, ya clown!

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=666c6d7d1888c

Capitalizes 'jew' over and over and over again.

/v/AnonWhatever viewpost?postid=66686d582f90a

Why would I add to a conversation from a faggot who uses low-tier faggoty mobile links. And then you fail to use proper syntax. Just like a lazy kike.

"gamma bitching"... Yeah. You sure are bitching.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=666708ccb6f1c

I like calling out kosherhivekicker for being a kike. Because he's a kike and you all know it.

This post was most likely done by him because he's a kike and only kikes use 'anonymous' on this website.

/v/AnonWhatever viewpost?postid=6662589d54c43

Same thing in Illinois. The rural residents are sick of Chicago having such a big say in how things are done. And they're probably right. Why should a rural resident give two shits about someone in a city possibly 300+ miles away?
Why should a rural north California resident be held accountable for the decisions of a major city 200-300+ miles away?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=665e4c0bcbacc

Um, okay. And, yes, I hate that jews are recognized. This is the entire point. What was yours?


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=665a094208543

Capitalizes 'jew' multiple times.


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=665a094208543

Capitalizes 'jew' and 'nigger'.

What a way to out yourself as a kike.

Good job, kike.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6659f61a5000c

Restriction of voting, or anything, is Faggotry 101.

No arguments allowed. No debating. It *is* faggotry. Simple.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=6659bac180a62

Not lurking, not old. Thanks though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6657172c35e35

I guess that's why you're a moron.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6657172c35e35

Veteran has many meanings. Thank you for outing yourself as an uneducated moron.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6657172c35e35

I said 'holiday'. Figure it out.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6657172c35e35

Literally has it backwards. I've mentioned this countless times.

Still a moron kike-loving kike.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66564fc28d045

This is about the upper-case J.

Moron kike.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6650d1645fcb5

This 'guy' is an admitted kike, and acts like a faggot.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6650d1645fcb5