Machine learning tool culls "Boston Housing Dataset" as it (correctly) implies that More niggers = Lower desirability     (scikit-learn.org)
submitted by LoliNeko to technology 2.4 years ago (+41/-0)
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The Boston housing prices dataset has an ethical problem: as investigated in [1], the authors of this dataset engineered a non-invertible variable “B” assuming that racial self-segregation had a positive impact on house prices [2].

The Boston Housing Dataset is a popular dataset originating from the 1970s for data science and machine learning beginners to practice their skills on. Scikit-Learn itself is also a popular machine learning library for Python.

The inclusion of the "B" column, the proportion of blacks in the US, and the mere implication that niggers could be negatively affecting the Boston housing area, has led to the entire dataset being scrubbed for the (((usual reasons))) after decades in use.

Here is the SJW who was offended by this inconvenient truth (Cited within the above paragraph as [1]): https://medium.com/@docintangible/racist-data-destruction-113e3eff54a8