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Owner: Ifuckdolphinseverday


Against Time     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 1 year ago (+0/-0)

You are a being of Eternal struggle. An archetype frequency drawn by blood, called into existence on this plane of war through the medium of your Father and his Father before him, beyond recollection of time. A soul stream attuned to familiarity of flesh, visiting again in parallel with your bloodline. The greatest fraud was convincing our people that our lives were temporary. To equate a quality of life as a measure of happiness, to seek after money and luxury with no care of racial loyalties. The truth is that we are eternal, that we must strive for greatness even against self gain.

The Earth lay decadent in the absence of its God. Abandoned by its caretaker to fall into the hands of lesser being. So long as we refrain from the throne this will be its fate forevermore. This cause is ours alone to bear, the burden of dominion ours to hold. There is no other God. No other King from which to decree, no other name before your own. Our purpose here is beyond comprehension. Our natural state beckons from something greater, a hidden yearning that only the memory of soil abides. It speaks to our soul from a primeval sense of familiar fate that we can not fully elucidate, yet still the call remains. Reclaim the Throne.

A darkness has come for me, with horrors long forgotten to blood memory along with it. I have been consumed by this darkness until the rotten husk I called my flesh has been brought to bone, until the eyes I thought I could see with have been rendered into charcoal, until my mouth has been filled with ember so that I can not speak nor see. The complete weight of this endless struggle has bore down into my mind until the fire died out. I stretch forth not my hand for I do not believe in the possibility of securing for that which I desire. My cries unheeded. My pleadings cast into the deep to be forgotten. The full weight of this annihilation press upon every hair on my head.

Only when Man is completely alone face to face with that bitter unknown will he find the will to put his own name before any other.

Give them an ideal to strive toward     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 4 months ago (+20/-0)
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The future and the past are one     (
submitted by Mopar_or_nocar24 to YearOfTheBlackSun 4 months ago (+6/-1)
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The Ultimate Avatar     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 4 months ago (+10/-1)
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The Argumentation Against Civic-Spiritualism Simplified.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 4 months ago (+3/-1)
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The Argumentation Against Civic-Spiritualism Simplified.

The physical and meta-physical are manifestly inseparable, the failure of this recognition a sure sign that one does not possess reasonable faculties of thought. Just as the inherent biological and genetic differences between the hominid species results in the failure of civic-nationalism so too will the spiritual discrepancies result in the failure of civic-spiritualism.

Is the negroid unable to participate in White nations as an effective citizen due to social racisms and persecution of their race? Does lowering requirements for negroids entering professions and higher institutions, diversity quotas, subsidized living aid in all forms and social promotions elevate them above their Natural disposition? Or despite the efforts at "equality" does it not appear that the Natural State of the negroid to be unchanged? That they will always revert back to their status as a violent unintelligible mimics lacking the promethean spirit? For the honest observer of peoples and nations the answer is laid bare.

If one understands the pitfall that is civic-nationalism they must logically conclude that the same archetype exists at the spiritual level. If by the Nature of lesser races they are unable to be lifted to the same status as that of the White man on earth, how then is it possible that these same beings will be lifted above their position on a spiritual level? If one does not wish to share an Earthly dwelling with such a people why then would they be willing to share their Spiritual home? The Civic-spiritualist must also therefore be a defender of Civic-nationalism less they become a hypocrite. If there exists a path in heaven for the advancement of lesser races than so to must this system be possible on Earth.

For this, whoever shall be in favor of Civic-spiritualism will have endeavored a path inevitably falling towards Civic-nationalism. In the name of "Equality" the nations of Adam have fallen and with it the divine nature inherent to our people alone forgotten. Abandoned the position of the throne as beings made after the image of the Creator, no longer unique in responsibility and purpose. Civic-spiritualism is the death of the soul. With the declarations for the equality of spirit is our Name and purpose castrated so that we may become as low as any other form.

Is this not the intention of the jew? To bring about equality in all peoples? To lay level the land so that not one stands above another other than the jew themselves? To blend the populations to such a degree that only the jew stands above the hordes of lesser being? To bind the Aryan blood with the seed of Ham. To eliminate culture and independence so that they may become the priests of all knowledge with none left to disagree, a narrative to become definitive without a force to counter their control. The creation of beings to be acted upon who do not possess the faculties to act for themselves a great enslavement of both physical and metaphysical realms.

If our people are not of unique Nature why then would it behoove any of us to resist the genocide of our folk? Why then would our preservation be desirable if all hominid are equal in both capacity and potential? The civic-spiritualist must therefore conclude that our position is no different from any other, that we have no divine calling unique to our ourselves alone, that a system of governance may take place with anyone at its head.

Surely this is not so, equality is a false god. As the creator made us in his supreme image so to is the supreme nature of our soul. A divine accounting as the stewards in his garden. The caretakers of this realm by which our unique calling gives us the proclivity to resist the Evil of those who wish to rule as unrighteous kings. To deny this is to forfeit the throne for some other to take its mantel.

A goats guide to normies, Episode 2: How to have a conversation about race and immigration. Part 1      (YearOfTheBlackSun)
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 months ago (+2/-0)
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Episode 1 here: How to have a conversation about White Genocide.

Part 1

I would love nothing more than to yell nigger and have it yield the same effect as well navigated conversation with the average person. To simply declare it on the subway (i've never been on one) so that others would understand. However maybe try not to manically maintain eye contact while declaring that you are the an Immortal God form existing throughout time in the blood stream. I get it, you get it. Little steps Hitler's top guy.

If for some reason the normie hasn't rejected you or vehemently projected their tension at the conversation and even asks questions to egg you on, its best to wait on a follow up but lets face it this is the first conversation you've had with someone even mildly interested in hearing about it. You're going to sperg out anyway.

It is a very common response for them to ask "why?" "what happened?" "what do you mean?" upon hearing that White people make up less than 10% of the world population. Likely less. Certainly accelerating in its decline. It isn't the best usage of the moment to talk about White birth rates which by far is not the ultimate culprit. No instead it is best for us to focus on the real issue at hand.

The Great Replacement.


They have to understand that immigration is important, because race is important. This is amplified by the realization that their identity as a race has now become the minority in their parasitized (but recoverable) victim/ justice modus operandi view on morality. Allowing a moment for a few bits of knowledge to make it through. Its built into our nature as White peoples by the nature of working together, to fear being outcast from the group, and this spell is broken by reversing the narrative and revealing the truth behind their inversion.

I usually start by asking them to picture the world map in their mind. If they can see a mental image of the map they were taught in school.

"Did you know that map is over 400 years old and that it has the surface areas of the land masses out of proportion?" " It makes it so that the horizontal lines are straight so that ships can navigate, as a result the northern and southern hemispheres are expanded while the projection is shrunk towards the equator".

The Mercator projection was created in 1569 as a means to make lines of parallel. You can actually fit Europe and The United States inside Africa.

"Africa has 11.73 Million miles of surface area. You can fit 14 Greenland's inside Africa."

Africa surface area:
Greenland surface area:

Mercator projection, has a well known distortion:

The True size has a fun site to showcase this:

True size home page view:
True size Custom view:

afrika overlay

-afrika minerals
-afrika agricutlrual land
-The last 60% of non used farmland
- Growing Season
- Lack of freezing to death winter
- Farming not needed


The foundation of Understanding White Genocide is perspective. Now that we have shown that White people are the world minority and that Non Whites have a greater share of land than Whites we have removed the premise that there simply wasn't anywhere for the non whites to go. To the contrary.

Prior to 1965 the United States was over 90% White: Today, less than 50% of children under the age of 15 are White in the United States.

The melting pot lie:
VOLUME WARNING !!! : US timeline of immigration by race
VOLUME WARNING !!! : US Population by race

White population of USA over time:

How many Non White aka Non Western nations took immigrants enmasse?

Why did only White nations take in Non white immigrants enmasse?

Do you think White people Should be a majority in any nation?

How much of the media is anti-White?


Nice census map but they made the color counter intuitive.

Hard to be a God     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 8 months ago (+0/-4)
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To the atheist and abraham,

If there were to be a God worthy of your devotion what kind of God would it be? Would be a God of creations or of nothing? Would it be a God that values his creations or one that does not care for them? Would it wish its creations to achieve glory as it has or would it squander them for self gain? Would it be a God like a Father or one Fatherless? Would it be a God for the White Race? Would it position ourselves as dominant on this realm or see us fall into genocide? Would it view other races equal or superior to ourselves?

Etho-spiritualism is the only belief system that makes sense for me as an Ethno-nationalist. I do not understand how anyone could possibly worship a God who is not a WHITE GOD for the WHITE RACE. The moment you allow yourself to view other races as spiritually equal or even on the same soul stream as another you tread the pitfall of civic nationalism.

For me, if there is a God he is one of the White Race alone. He would see fit to enable us to one day enjoy the life that he possesses. Glorying in our ability to act as the Gods ourselves, to govern and rule this realm. Of no compelling force yet all seeing. It would be like a Father watching his children fight the battles that they must themselves overcome. Every turn of the cycle another lesson learned. It would be Natural Law.

I have admonished in the past about the dangers of a belief who's end goal is some grand destination beyond the present. A great escapism masqueraded as divine ascension. I feel this to be a great trap to remove ourselves from the responsibility of this realm. After all if there is this great other than how important would it be to solve puzzle presently before us, if all you have to do is abandon domain. We are eternal beings of this I am certain, This realm is a battle for all time.

Worship an ideal to strive toward.
God damn it feels good to be White     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 8 months ago (+29/-1)
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Verloren, nicht vergessen     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 8 months ago (+8/-1)
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Nature in its simplicity applies pressure to all environments and biomes affecting change over time. Geological and biological systems being directly changed in its great structure. Emotionless decisions. Outcome focused. Simple.

God saw fit to see his people able to Act and not be Acted upon. So much so that out of all of matter and life that obey the respected spheres in which they reside, there is only one being capable of free action. Emboldened by the promethium spirit carried through his blood. Lawmaker and Judge. The Aryan stock. White and proud. It is for this promethium spirit that separates us from all other life. It is the cause of our failures and all achievements. The soul behind every hero and the hubris at its downfall. This cause is ours alone to bear, the burden of dominion ours to hold. The right to Act and not be acted upon.

For this we know that it is our failure to maintain our position on the throne that has lead to our fallen state. While all other beings and life obey their Natural State we can flounder as well as soar. The nigger nigs. The jew kikes. The pajeet shits. The china man eats something alive. All within their respected spheres and yet the White God himself can fall far from its rightful position by choice alone.

The sea is changing.

Minds long lost to the hive come back. Blood memory hidden in veils now seen. The siren has been screaming for years, finally reaching the mass. Fight or die! Reclaim the throne or perish! Return to Natural Law! It was a mistake for thinking that we needed old teachings and rite. That the only way forward was to restore the past without realizing the beautiful simplicity of Natural Law. The coming age will not be ruled by the half man as we now know him, the answer laid clear before us.

The White Women of our people reveal the purpose of Man to himself. Calling life from the aether into a living vessel, the creation of the folk itself. A magic beyond understanding. A sacrifice of blood and risk of life to bear the children of our people and its future. A right reserved strictly to Woman. When creation of life has been satisfied Nature reveals the necessary counterpart of balance. She brings life. Man destroys life. Together is what binds it.

For the Natural Man is bound only to Natural Law. That Might is Right all else is error. That his will is final, free from all permissions from which enslaved man refuses to act. The blinders removed and all terrain laid bare before him. The great destroyer. A capacity earned by willful action alone in the pursuit of securing the bloodline. A God among beasts of Earth burden and burdensome. The hard times that are coming for us are not for our detriment, for the Aryan Soul is of the fourth watch. Awaiting nature to bring about the inevitable reaction. A catalyst for this transformation as no Man would idly watch the destruction of their legacy without consideration of action.

Pressed to the fire we will rise again.
There is a no such thing as "muh based nigger". You're a nigger lover. Nothing more     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 months ago (+30/-6)
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The other day i saw a nigger begging for money on the street. I'm in a part of the nation where there are hardly any niggers at all so seeing one is not common. It fills me with rage anytime I see one. Filthy sub human trash. Serves no purpose other than to cause mayhem and chaos on this Earth. Stepping foot on this mountain is worthy of death and i am both it's judge and executioner.

The truck in front of me stopped to give the nigger money, my first thought was to kill the bastard for giving the nigger gibs. It was more infuriating than the nigger itself to see a Fake White man reduce himself to such a lowly move on his moral high chair. It completely disgusts me. Fills me with the rage of my ancestors.

Many of you are "far right" or at least jew/ holocaust pilled. Some may even identify as a White Nationalist. But very few of you are truly White Supremacist. I am a White Supremacist. I believe that this Earth is our dominion to rule over as the rightful Gods, that it lay decedent in decay and squalor due to our refusal to take up the throne. Removed from our Natural State as its caretakers and guardians to hold stewardship of. I have no interests in diplomacy, I have no desire to hear the words of a nigger. I only wish to annihilate them. To rule and subjugate them to White will, to put them back in their place as vermin landlocked far away from my people if not complete extinction.

* We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

This will not be accomplished by civic spiritualists or civic nationalists. nigger lovers get the rope first.
Worship your own people or be destroyed in the coming age for Our Natural State is one of dominance, one of God Hood and divine matters. There is no savior, there is no messiah to come for our people. There is simply us who's soul stream has survived to this day from a time now lost spare only the memory of soil and blood.

There is no other God. No other King from which to decree, no other name before your own. Our purpose here is beyond comprehension. Our Natural State beckons from something greater, a hidden yearning that only the memory of soil abides. It speaks to our soul from a primeval sense of familiar fate that we can not fully elucidate, yet still the call remains. Reclaim the Throne.
A goats guide to normies, Episode 1: How to have a conversation about White Genocide.      (YearOfTheBlackSun)
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 months ago (+11/-0)
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(Updates in progress)

Lets forgo the discussion on why you just shouldn't and assume you're too autistic to stop yourself.

Ask them this; "If you had to guess, what would you guess the percentage of the world would be White? What percentage of the world is White?"

Its important to give them time to answer. If they default to excuses for not answering just ask "around 90% or 70% how much do you think? 10%?". You were premature / blew your load/ fucked it up if they are hesitant on answering or entertaining this prose but usually they will answer something high.

When they answer make sure to reinforce it with something positive, "Great guess, I thought the exact same thing before I did research on the subject and I was surprised at what I found".

Then you let them know its less than 10%.


Hello, i'm bill gates and i lunge 3 plates
We can replace them

Our Grievances are one of survival:
No longer a civicnationalist:

6 or so years ago when we first had one of those rare group research gatherings I recall we settled on 7-11 (and a steam card). Now I've seen 4-8. But 10% is all that's really needed to begin the foundation to understanding White Genocide, which is of course Perspective.

Note: It is easy to find these answers or articles about other races but they really hate showing White demographics as a minority, often lowering the Afrikan populations to a considerable degree. Or they show White stats from 1998 and compare it to other races in 2020.

Using relative population figures of White and Black for the NA and EU sections vs AF its easy to see AF should be significantly higher as other articles will admit. This graph is fun because its easy to see that at the most they can fudge its only 14% and that's assuming far larger margins in NA and EU as White than what reality is.

White people represent less than 10% of the world population. It is easier to find Holohoax research than it is to find a decent dig anymore on this subject, scrubbed down the old memory hole. One of my favorite resources is gone because the amount of mystery meat walking around is too damn high

1920 map:

Diversity is code for White Genocide

USA 1:
USA 2: (
USA 3: (need GIF of graph sliding, relative density is greatest in North East)
USA 4: (White population by select Metro Area)
USA 5: (White population by select State)

The White populations of North America and Europe will continue to change dramatically in the next 20 years due primarily to an influx of non-whites, secondary to being top heavy in age for White populations. Boomers will die out.
USA Birth Rates:
USA By Age: ( Look close at the flow of youth vs eldery, research Lotka–Volterra and you will see this is a clear sign of a dying species)
Age and Race:


If the Normie is responding well, the conversation could be moved to the subject of % of Japanese in Japan verses English in England. Why is it okay for India to be 98% Indians? China 98% Chinese?

You leave them with one more thought.

Do you think White people Should be a majority in any nation?

How much of the media is anti-White?

Miguel Serrano. Ultmia Avatar     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.2 years ago (+5/-1)
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Stand alone if you have to     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 months ago (+43/-3)
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Some books      (YearOfTheBlackSun)
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 10 months ago (+0/-0)
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Adolf Hitler, The Ultimate Avatar (Miguel Serrano).pdf



The Golden Thread - Esoteric Hitlerism (Miguel Serrano).pdf

The Lightning and the Sun (Savitri Devi).pdf

We Will Not Celebrate The Death Of The White Gods (Miguel Serrrano).pdf

The Elder or Poetic Edda.pdf


Return to the throne or perish      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 months ago (+3/-3)
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We will have our home again      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 11 months ago (+33/-1)
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Stand on the shoulders of Giants     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 11 months ago (+15/-1)
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Adolf was the Avatar for the soul of our people. The collective will. Lightning and Sun.
The Sun will rise and we will try again     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 11 months ago (+15/-1)
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Return to the Throne or be destroyed.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 11 months ago (+9/-1)
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Sonnenrad sunsets     (
submitted by RomanSalute to YearOfTheBlackSun 1.2 years ago (+15/-1)
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Come Home White Man     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+1/-0)
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Kali Yuga     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+8/-0)
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Beautiful.     (
submitted by Mopar_or_nocar24 to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.0 years ago (+35/-0)
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wunderschöne kunst     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.1 years ago (+15/-1)
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Embrace your race     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.2 years ago (+37/-1)
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based azov telegram     (YearOfTheBlackSun)
submitted by bites_you to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.1 years ago (+5/-1)
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saw this today after joining the channel this morning