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Why should I give a shit anymore?

submitted by ZyklonDryCleaners to whatever 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:13:48 ago (+46/-1)     (whatever)

Laid off and burnt the fuck out. Credit is fucked. Cost of living is unsustainable. 3 out of every 4 job postings have no intention of hiring anyone. 14 years experience as a computer engineer means fuck all. jews ruined everything. The only thing Hitler did wrong was lose.

105 comments block

Also jogging. Jogging everyday is how I got through some of the worst parts of my life.
Also, look into moving to another state if you are free from kids/family obligations.
Get a pressure washer and go around asking neighbors to pay you to wash their driveways and houses.
Start going to church.
Keep applying for jobs and pretend to be gay or trans to increase your odds of getting hired, or wear a turban and pretend to be Muslim.