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synopsis of 80's sitcom gimmee a break, featuring a fat sheboon housekeeper working for relaxing whites. jewish attempt to get whites to accept diversity

submitted by oppressed to JewMedia 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 00:24:20 ago (+3/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


jews feared white unity after the holocaust, so they spent decades teaching whites through television to love blacks and celebrate diversity.

in this first episode of gimmee a break, one of the white daughters is racemixing with a brown kid. another white daughter with perfect dna is caught shoplifting and the white cop says he would be ashamed to have her as a daughter.

the whole time, whites living with a sheboon is portrayed as a grand event.

written and created by sy rosen and mort lachman

5 comments block

Wow, you’re right! This show fizzled off and was never seen again.