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Ruckus at Costco

submitted by WNwoman to Niggers 1 monthMay 17, 2024 14:39:37 ago (+24/-1)     (Niggers)

Today I had to do a Costco run and of course they were slammed. The checkout lines were very long. Suddenly I hear some bix nood sounds and look over to the line next to me. A sheboon had just come up to the front of the line and a White Costco employee was explaining to her that the line started way back there. The sheboon asked to be allowed to check out anyway since she only had one item. The employee said sorry, but she had to get back in line. Bless her heart for standing firm. The sheboon walked away with loud lip smacking and mumbling. I know she was relying on White guilt to allow her to just cut in front of 20 people in line.

Then to further irritate me, this obese red headed woman in front of me said, “why wouldn’t they just let her go ahead since she only had one item? I would have!” Please. Does she think this animal would have done the same for her?

20 comments block

That wasn’t your decision unless everyone in line agreed.