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Writing a national socialist article everyday until Anglin comes back. Day 2.

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 monthMay 15, 2024 16:25:46 ago (+10/-2)     (whatever)

Might makes right.

"Nature keeps order using perfect Fascism." -Hitler

All living things in the universe and all living things on planet Earth bow down to the universal rule of NATURAL ORDER.

This is God. This is the true source code of existence.

The strong must be unrestrained to control and dominate the weak. In this way the strong grows and becomes stronger and the weak perish and diminish.

Such natural order is seen throughout all living things.

A bald eagle mother will throw out the weakest baby so that the remaining 2 baby's can receive all the food. And grow bigger and stronger.

A male lion will eat babies from another father because they are a waste of his time.

Do you think you are special? Do you think father time and mother earth will give a single shit about you as you lay in bed dying from cancer given to you by micro plastics and forever manufacturing chemicals in the water?

Do you think God will give one single shit about you as you bleed out in the middle of the street after being shot by a nigger robber?

Nobody cared when my biological father was shot dead in the middle of a street in Texas and bled out. Before I was even born.

There is only one thing that will ever care about you and your life and your safety.

That is your nation and your people.

You do not have either of these things.

In the human species thanks to technology and mass deception the weakest human race with low physical ability and even lower cognitive ability now own and control you like cattle.

The strong are not leading the way forward on planet Earth.

They are being exterminated systematically. So that the weak can take their place. And breed with their women.

Your very genetic material is in danger of ending for all eternity.

You must form a nation and form a people or you will be sent to the dust bin of existence within 100 years time. You will be outlawed. Hunted like animals.

It will become illegal to mention you ever existed at all.

The hour is late and you are being led around in circles intentionally.

Honestly I calculate that white people have less than a 1% chance of surviving this.

The weak Jews have blamed everything on white people and they have made it illegal for white people to point out the Jews are to blame in almost every single white country.

In 40 years time there will be no white country in existence.

Unless you do something about it now.

8 comments block

preserving white genes contributes to jewish supremacy

Account hijacking confirmed, I guess…