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My "crazy" Uncle passed away recently. Let me tell you bout him.

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to RIP 1 monthMay 12, 2024 14:24:10 ago (+59/-2)     (RIP)

Uncle Tim was married to my mom's sister. Between the mid 70's and the late 80's they had seven kids, six girls and one boy, and they lived in Miami. Now something happened in the mid 90's that didn't sit quite right with Tim. I didn't know about this incident until I was much older, and it was relayed to me by another Uncle.

The story goes that his oldest daughter started dating a spade. So Uncle Tim went to my other uncle for some help. Tim's plan was that they kill the nigger and dump his body in a canal. He was an avid collector of guns his whole life, and he was built like a brick shit house. He definitely had the means. My other uncle talked him out of it, so instead Tim bought ten acres of land in north Florida bout an hour from where I live now. I still go past the place sometimes when I take a drive to clear my head.

Tim was one of those "crazy conspiracy theorists". He was the first to get me thinking about all that, specifically the Clinton crime family, ruby ridge, and Waco. It was policy in my family that you never visit unannounced unless you wanted eight rifles pointed at you.

They eventually sold the farm and moved further away from people, wound up in a small town in bum fuck nowhere Kansas. All his daughters married White men from their Latin Catholic Church and had many kids. Shit my one cousin just had her 9th.

Yeah, we all thought he was crazy growing up. He wouldn't let his kids watch anything made by Disney, his daughters all dressed in ankle length skirts, ultra conservative. Turns out Tim had shit all the way figured out.

I don't know why I was thinking about him today, but hindsight is 20/20. That was one based bastard. RIP Uncle Tim, you fuckin earned it.

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if you are going to do something like that, never involve anyone else.