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RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) runs interference on immigration

submitted by UncleDoug to Australia 1 monthMay 11, 2024 09:03:28 ago (+5/-0)     (pomf2.lain.la)


RBA runs interference on immigration

RBA governor Michele Bullock claimed that the federal government’s extreme immigration has had minimal impact on CPI inflation.

Bold faced lies.

I think its time to throw acid in these cretins faces and make their families eat razor blades.

Clown Govenor

"Added to labour supply" ≡ Reduced wages and wage growth + less spending capacity

"Pressure on housing market" ≡ Increase in housing prices.

Full employment and low inflation are the two obligations the RBA has. Extreme levels of immigration are not its business and it works against both.

1 comments block

I think its time to throw acid in these cretins faces and make their families eat razor blades.

A waste of good acid. But we should have done it as young boomerlings. The silents should have done it when the "sex, drugs, rock 'n roll" propaganda was rolled out. The greatests should have done it instead of helping them destroy our race. It goes way back.

Technically we could still save ourselves if we became willing to 'kill them all'. Realistically, few are willing or psychologically capable of killing their ZIOthugs and operatives among us.