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I probably need to take my meds, even if I havent been prescribed them yet...

submitted by Clueless_Enigma to conspiracy 1 monthMay 9, 2024 20:41:09 ago (+1/-1)     (youtu.be)


Kinda fucking weird that right at the end of my Welding edumacation that some broad would waltz into my life and drop this kinda shit on me. Given my previous experience with something that had a name that just so happens to share similarities with this broad...

TLDR: Aliens interact with us under the illusion of Gods and Demons, and the Well of Souls keeps us all contained on this rock due to us being genetically modified into being susceptible to brainwashing.

Oh, and I'm apparently connected to all of it in some profound enough way that you'd think it were a Glow Op.

The only thing that really has me doubting it being a glow op is the fact that one of them has an affinity for me, had interacted and name dropped on me 7 years ago, and that I've got a few folks that have been keeping an eye on me for years I guess.

Like I said, I need my meds.

10 comments block

dude... don't even look at the sky when you're not looking...