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More proof Russians are the niggers of the white race

submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 1 monthMay 5, 2024 17:49:05 ago (+1/-10)     (www.abc.net.au)


Last month, Russian media reported a court in the country's Kirov region sentenced Ivan Rossomakhin, a former Wagner soldier, to 22 years behind bars for raping and killing an elderly woman.

He'd been serving a 14-year custodial sentence for a previous murder when he was freed to join Prigozhin's mercenaries. He returned home and killed again.

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The 1000-Year War Between Russia and the Khazars [bottom of page]
Russia v. The Khazars
'Russ and Slav were of related stock and their languages, though quite different, had common Indo-Germanic origin. They accepted Christianity as their religion.'
'The Slavs, especially those in the area now known as the Ukraine, were engaged in almost constant warfare with the Khazars and finally, by 1016 A.D., destroyed the Khazar government and took a large portion of Khazar territory. The khazars adopted judaism and slowly returned to Kiev.
The Iron Curtain Over America By John Beaty