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Mohamadeen wins election in Bradford, England.

submitted by UncleDoug to OccidentalEnclave 1 monthMay 5, 2024 08:33:33 ago (+3/-0)     (pomf2.lain.la)


Labour hold Bradford amid success for independents

Breaking news; leftists vote to flood White countries with low IQ goatfuckers, muslimturds don't integrate and only vote for members of their own tribe.

According to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, the success of independent candidates in many of Bradford’s inner-city wards was due to dissatisfaction with how the national Labour Party has handled the war in Gaza.

Uncontrolled migration, who would have thought this was the result? This is why you are meant to kill traitors before the enemy.

4 comments block

It seems to me that England is already lost, much like France. This is the future for the West unless it acts now.