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It's happening, again.

submitted by Rowdybme to whatever 1 monthMay 3, 2024 21:11:59 ago (+3/-0)     (youtu.be)


The far right and the far left has gone so far they are getting close together. Going to meet up and start national socialism again. Their enemy? The jews. Again.we should support the left in their endeavor. As much as I hate their ideologies towards gay shit. At least they have some balls when it comes to sticking up to the jews. Trump is one of their schills. Decide what you hate more. Jews or gays. I guess

10 comments block

Don’t care for the writing of it. Has a grain of truth to it, but what they’re essentially saying is that populist/workers movements are inevitably fascist or “Nazism”, conflating the two and also socialism and communism by association. Ergo, people’s parties are bad, vote for your social and economic elites because we know best.