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11 comments block

It's harder to hurt my feelings than yours. I don't recall a prayer laced with " cussing " but that's not what I'm looking for.
What I see is a man working hard getting others motivated. A man that goes out IRL and puts his freedom and safety on the line. Someone that developed an effective strategy that anyone can do in this infowar period. (flyering)
Someone that has built a free speech platform that is rallying many activists who've been banned everywhere else.
HT even hosts streamers that don't like him, as long as they're doing pro White activism.
I've also seen him wake up/ j pill sometimes a dozen young people in one evening of his OME streams so I've literally seen hundreds of people woken up and many go on to do flyering/ activism.
The guy does / has done so much positive work.
Lead, follow or get out the way.
Don't be a useless subvert.