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A Kike Will Always Find a Way To Defend Their Degenrate Ways....and of Course Will Namedrop Hitler While Doing So:

submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Jews 1 monthMay 1, 2024 02:55:35 ago (+5/-0)     (nypost.com)


Look a the nose on this one.

Also, here she is explaining her position in The New York Times:


''It's the new form of discrimination,'' Ms. Silk said. ''Everybody has to be tolerant. So this is the outlet for hate. Government-sanctioned hate.'' Anti-smokers are trying to ''de-normalize'' smokers by ''taking them out of public sight,'' she added.

Stay around long enough and you'll hear the term Nicotine Nazi and learn that Hitler was rabidly anti-smoking.

While Ms. Silk is savvy enough to know that comparisons to Hitler can backfire, she can't help pointing out that she and many others in the forefront of the smoking movement are Jewish. And that just as Hitler scared Germans into believing Jews were dangerous, the anti-smoking movement uses secondhand smoke to make nonsmokers ''afraid of us,'' she said.


6 comments block

Smoker's rights? FFS, goddamned kikes.