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The full absurdity of taking the vaccine is that by the time it came out, you and everyone you know had already survived the first year! I guess that's where the lol variants came in. Lmao those rofl variants.

submitted by Dindu to Vaxtards 1 monthApr 28, 2024 10:31:09 ago (+38/-0)     (Vaxtards)

I didn't want to get sick either but I figured out by June of 2020 that all the fat girls working at Walgreens were still alive. Those were my canary in a coal mine. Various fat people working at the places I bought beer. As long as they were alive I was not worried.

24 comments block

Why on earth would they be concerned over our health? Hospitals turn away patients on a daily basis due to lack of insurance or money to pay for desperately needed life-saving surgeries.
When the government official said if we can save just one life by staying at home, it is worth it? That's when I was certain they were lying motherfuckers, period@!