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Freemason's motto "out of chaos comes order"

submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 1 monthApr 21, 2024 07:14:38 ago (+4/-4)     (conspiracy)

The Latin quote "Ordo ab chao" / "Out of chaos comes order" doesn't mean that order emerges out of chaos. It means that the situation will be engineered into a chaos to achieve a certain objective, and then the situation will be engineered again into order. For the unsuspecting masses, it will be as if chaos gives birth to the order.

Also, the Freemason's logo of white and black chess squares symbolizes the duality of good Vs evil. This means that they can be both good and evil, in the image of their God.

This explains why the elite have switched from order to complete chaos and are destroying everything good that was achieved during centuries.

Hope this helps.

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Mmmmmmm 😁 Thanks for giving me another.

I have 13 alts to evade bans so no worries. I'll make sure everyone hates you. 😉