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This is why I call them pedos

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 2 monthsApr 16, 2024 19:54:30 ago (+8/-1)     (www.witn.com)


There is no difference between a leftist and a childfucker. When the left's biggest desire is to sexualize children and then either mutilate or have sex with them, that makes everyone that supports that belief system a child rapist.

Then you have someone like this who is clearly a leftist (and a grade school teacher at that) caught in the act. Now, though the fat, aposematic female is a child, she may very well be. That he found her in the child's book section is telling.

If you are a leftist you fuck children.

Edit: I'm kind of surprised that after the response I got no one questioned how I know he's liberal. I know because just look at him. Listen to his sissy voice. He's clearly leftist. I can only surmise that everyone else thought that as well.

8 comments block


Police said so far they haven’t found any inappropriate photos of children on the man’s cell phone.

That hambeast was not a child. And he wasn't a teacher, but a volunteer.

This has nothing to do with pedophilia. Why are so many men obsessed with the thought of it? You don't see women ever talking or obsessing like this.. 🤔 You think they would have more experience with it first hand.