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For anyone buying into the "alpha male" trope, listen the fuck up. That nonsense is a psyop to get you to participate in degenerate behavior by stroking your ego. I see guys who land a single girl talking like their THE alpha of the world

submitted by osomperne to PublicServiceAnnouncement 2 monthsApr 10, 2024 13:43:54 ago (+1/-1)     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)

It should be self evident here, but I see retards touting this dumb shit left and right, and it appears to be one of the main pillars holding up all this dumbass behavior by women. These idiot men will then immediately turn around and do the bidding of the toxic woman that's causing more problems than she could ever cause without this "alpha" enabler.

"alpha" males need to be punished just as much as the vast majority of women doing this crap or we're never going to get anywhere.

3 comments block

A sigma is more the guy that starts his own thing, his own hierarchy, his own revolution. The alpha just blends in.