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Shitbull tries to kill horse. Gets stomped.

submitted by ProudRebel to shitbulls 2 monthsApr 3, 2024 14:28:39 ago (+45/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


The niggers of dogs.

51 comments block

Observe the way the shitbull kept getting kicked and yet kept going back for more. That's the difference between a dog and a shitbull; a normal dog would have gotten kicked and ran off immediately. Mind you, a normal dog wouldn't have picked a fight with an animal that is easily 10x its size.

A shitbull is so stupid, useless and violent that it doesn't know when to stop.

It's too bad we didn't see the horse finish the job.

"But it's not the dog, it's the owner!!!!111111"