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The original assault rifle

submitted by x0x7 to Guns 2 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:24:26 ago (+6/-0)     (matrix.gvid.tv)


They wanted YOU to have more advanced gun technology than the government. Read the text of the second Amendment. It isn't just about your right to have guns. It's also about the government obtaining access to guns exclusively through the citizens.

They were not unfamiliar with military's obtaining their own armaments. That's how the British army worked. The 2nd Amendment indirectly specifies that if the government wants access to guns they should obtain them through your permission, not the other way around, via the citizens' nearly exclusive possession.

When liberals say the Founding Fathers never intended you to have AR15s its even more interpretable that they didn't intend for the government to have them.

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The Austrians killed so many frenchmen with these (some sources put the Austrian-French kdr at anywhere from 12-20:1) that Napoleon made it a hanging offense to be caught with one.

Which was a shame because it was also in common use as a hunting rifle at that time.

So much for the liberals so called, "sporting uses", argument, hey?