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Great speech from the Belgian nationalist who is getting sent to jail for a meme someone else sent him.

submitted by olinneserpona to TellTalk 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 13:23:57 ago (+13/-0)     (odysee.com)


I saw his speech last fall and it just got very relevant.

It is a Whitepill for anyone who is feeling down or blackpilled. It is called "the greatest time to be alive" which is something every Fascist/NatSoc can relate to since a core element of these world views is there is meaning in struggle and a life without struggles is a boring and meaningless life. Finally there is something to fight for and it's nothing to be blackpilled about =)

Take Dries for example, it sucks to go to prison, but he knows he is doing it for his people and the incarceration shows how far the regimes are willing to go. They are in fact traitors and do hate us, no one can deny it and Dries sentence is the proof. I'm pretty sure he is a happy man.

3 comments block

The sad thing is he had no gun to use against the pigs coming to arrest him. That’s how it should have gone down. Pile of brass. Nothing less.