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Former Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty to perjury in deal that doesn’t require cooperation

submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 3 monthsMar 4, 2024 16:16:43 ago (+0/-0)     (apnews.com)


pleading guilty, Weisselberg found himself caught again between the law and his loyalty to Trump, whose family employed him for nearly 50 years and sent him into retirement with a $2 million severance. His plea to perjury is further evidence that, rather than testify truthfully in a way that might harm his old boss, he was willing to again spend a chunk of his golden years in jail.

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“This plea was no doubt extorted by threatening an elderly and innocent man with immediate and lengthy incarceration,” Trump lawyer Christopher Kise said. “Such alarming, shameful and oppressive tactics have no place in our justice system and expose the citizens of New York to irreparable and life-altering harm.”

Weisselberg surrendered to the D.A.'s office Monday morning and entered court in handcuffs and a mask. He admitted lying when he testified he had little knowledge or awareness of how Trump’s Manhattan penthouse came to be valued on his financial statements at nearly three times its actual size.

“You knew that testimony was false?” Judge Laurie Petersen asked Weisselberg on Monday.

“Yes,” Weisselberg replied.

Weisselberg will be formally sentenced April 10. In agreeing to a five-month sentence, prosecutors cited