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San Franchimpsco bends knee, apologizes to niggers for having laws against nigger behavior. Niggers demanding $5 million lump sump payments PLUS $100K per year for "every eligible black adult"

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to news 3 monthsFeb 27, 2024 22:29:26 ago (+6/-3)     (apnews.com)


Supervisors in San Francisco formally apologized Tuesday to African Americans and their descendants for the city’s role in perpetuating racism and discrimination, with several stating that this was just the start of reparations for Black residents and not the end.

“This historic resolution apologizes on behalf of San Francisco to the African American community and their descendants for decades of systemic and structural discrimination, targeted acts of violence, atrocities,” said Supervisor Shamann Walton, “as well as committing to the rectification and redress of past policies and misdeeds.”

It is the first reparations recommendation of more than 100 proposals made by a city committee to win approval. The African American Reparations Advisory Committee also proposed that every eligible Black adult receive a $5 million lump-sum cash payment and a guaranteed income of nearly $100,000 a year to remedy San Francisco’s deep racial wealth gap.

9 comments block

Peleg 0 points 3 months ago

Gibs me dat.