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Happy Birthday Upgoat

submitted by system to all 3 monthsFeb 26, 2024 07:31:26 ago (+112/-2)     (all)

Today upgoat turns 3.

In 3 years...

Topics posted: 169,720
Comments: 1,342,528
Votes cast: 4,556,546
Users: 5,467 (accounts with no activity have been pruned a few times to deal with mass account creators)

Traffic in last 30 days
24,810 unique visitors
10,130,000 total requests
31 gb of data served

64,5700 unique visitors
20,590,00 total requests
76 gb of data served

I never look at this data and I was pretty surprised honestly. Not too shabby. I know people like to joke saying there is only like 25 people here, but if that were the case this website would be a literal ghost town. Social media websites require big pool of people, enough to hit a critical mass in which there is enough content being posted to warrant people visiting in the first place. This is why it's incredibly hard to get something like upgoat going, and one of the reasons I am grateful for you all and to be in this position.

That being said there is room for improvement. Traffic has dwindled a bit and I would hate to see this place die. This place does not rely on search engines for traffic. It doesn't rely on anything really. We're not allowed on the app store. Grassroots word of mouth is the only way we are able to grow. But many ex-voaters aren't even aware of this place. Occasionally they will find their way here but I rarely see this site mentioned out on the web... which is why I am going to ask you to share the url whenever possible. Doing this is vital to remaining active, relevant, and online. I like being a small site, but it does need to fill the ranks with more great minds. So spread the word. Share the link in reddit posts, twitter, video game chats, and where ever else. Doing this will keep upgoat active and online for years to come.

In other news I may mix things up a bit this year by trying experimental things or features. I have a few things in mind I may or may not try. We'll see. One thing i will I start doing is pinning topics which I think deserve it. Big current news stories or just interesting threads that went unnoticed.

In more other news, as of 2 days ago talk.lol is dead. The domain no longer works. Good riddance!

I love hearing your ideas, suggestions and even bugs, so post them up here and I will look into them. On side note, anyone want to create this place a logo/trademark? Something cool. The iconic voat goat was just handed to atko. Let's see what you guys can come up with.

138 comments block

Thank you @system. This is one of the few places left to hear the truth.