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Age of hoe

submitted by UncleDoug to clusterBbitches 4 monthsFeb 12, 2024 03:47:17 ago (+35/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


Roastie Princess hoedown of Saxony, Royal Germanic blood, Weimars herself into oblivion like some lowly pub skank in gold star act of debasement.
There are no classes anymore in the Age of Slag, only high-born prostitutes and low-born ex-pros pretending to be tradwives.


17 comments block

Xantha 22 points 4 months ago

This woman is not royalty, for several reasons. German royalty only passes through the patrilineal side. Her father was a farmer and her mother's side held the title-- which doesn't even matter anyway in this case, because this woman's great-grandfather, Timo, was expelled from the House of Wettin (which is now legally extinct anyway, so there's nothing to claim). Expulsion strips all heirs of title and even if there was no expulsion, this woman's family didn't have male heirs in each generation since then to keep the line.

More egregiously, she married a sand-nigger 'Rajab Hassan' when she hit the wall and had a non-German mud baby. She's spent her entire life being a D-list socialite, 'starring' in multiple reality television shows-- all for that (((jewy spotlight))). This woman is no different than all the millions of other idiot women who dream of moving to California to be 'celebrities' instead of having a real job or family. The pornography is just a last-ditch effort, now that she's approaching 40.

Verdict: Wanna-be celebrity thot who fakes a title while chasing those shekels.

There are still millions of 'German princesses' around, who actually have suitable character and values--- and who are loyal to the German people, this gross mudshark is not one of them.