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✈💥✡🎤Tlolocaust Episode 56- Shortcut Uppercut💥💥

submitted by big_fat_dangus to tlolocaust 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 20:05:30 ago (+9/-0)     (rumble.com)


Join us for a low fi classic, as Dangus summons the mighty Graydragon on a quest fraught with heeb cringelords, audio issues, the broken skies, and the finer points of meeting obvious feds IRL
Show notes: https://hackmd.io/@dangulor/BJmOz_gq6

Time stamps:
0:00 Preshow with Dangus and Graydrag
1:20 Vince McMahon and the duke of hazard
12:22 *SHOW START*
16:22 NASA intrigue: janky jalopy junkyard
20:48 Tour of Booty
23:51 The Muppets of Dismay: deep fakery on the chopping block
30:10 Biden to the rescuphmbfbbabbadabumv
32:32 The epitome of kikery and cringe: Ben Shapiro raps about compound interest
44:01 What used to work
46:05 Feds, injuns, and glue eaters
51:02 Big Mike on the move
53:34 Trust the salesman
57:21 Milei and the grandiose festoons
58:35 Breaking the skies
01:11:30 The laughable threat of the manosphere
01:16:25 Schizobait of the week
01:20:07 Brainlet of the week (Cohen edition)
01:24:22 "Don't bother trying to help them" moment of the week (Jeet edition)
01:27:35 Coalburner's dilemma
01:29:32 Surrogate creep

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Flawless victory.