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Status Report

submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to whatever 4 monthsJan 18, 2024 05:54:31 ago (+12/-1)     (whatever)

Well, I haven’t had to resort to selling my ass to old men in the back of limousines under the Queensboro bridge, but I haven’t been able to find a 2nd job with duties, pay and hours that work with my current schedule. It is looking a little grim. Yesterday, one place had a great schedule, but the place was 1 hour and 11 minutes from my home, so considering that I still have to get to another job, that would be too much traveling and would lead to exhaustion. A couple of people here suggested a go fund me type situation, but it has only been 3 weeks and I’m paying all of my bills—albeit barely, so no E-begging for me just yet.

Dental Bills are down to $4K and credit card is at $110. I just have to hope that no other expenses or issues come along any time soon.

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