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Is there a different term for an edge in math? The line that connects two veritces?

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to mathematics 5 monthsJan 2, 2024 20:06:40 ago (+1/-0)     (mathematics)

If not I think we might need a new term that can connotate (even if it takes time) the connecting line between two vertices. Line is good but it is very general and someone is going to try sneaking in their trivia about "m'actually it's a line segment", and those snowballing interruptions will never end whenever the topic comes up. Line segment also doesn't carry the connotation that it's connecting two vertices.

Edge doesn't really make sense to me. There are all kinds of edges and they're definitely not all line segments nor do they even have a sharp point to them, and I don't even know why else the word edge would be used.

Are there any other terms y'all know of?

10 comments block

A line has no edge. It is infinitely small. It is an indication of divide.