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Pedo tries to meet 13yo girl, gets her Uncle instead.

submitted by ProudRebel to Pizzagate 5 monthsJan 8, 2024 06:41:09 ago (+35/-16)     (files.catbox.moe)


36 comments block

From the video:

I am from Serbia and I remember this case. This is not the whole video and it's better that not whole video is shown. Because the guy in red broke both arms of the guy. It was some kind of revenge because the guy in red used to work as head of security and brother of the beaten guy was his boss who fired him. Guys in black shirts around are the security, you can see what is written on their shirts. Security didn't step in because they didn't want to mess with their former superior. The evil guy is arrested after month or two of hiding and today he's facing attempted murder charges.