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Growing Number of GOP Candidates Pledge to Disavow COVID-19 Vaccine and Big Pharma

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 5 monthsDec 27, 2023 21:03:01 ago (+5/-0)     (www.theepochtimes.com)


will they open an investigation and charges for fraud and evil intent?

dont hold your breath on that one.

6 comments block

DeSantis, the FL AG, and Surgeon General have a sealed grand jury looking into several aspects of the vaccine, from it’s development, to testing, roll out, and follow up data (or lack there of).

Leaks so far indicate they’ve found several areas of interest. Most recently that Pfizer tested a different formulation than they mass produced.
There is no others elected executive in the whole country doing this.
Until the results are released, who knows.
But the bulk of the liability isn’t just on the drug companies and the FDA regulators they employ.
Trump, Fauci, and Birx (minimum) are just as guilty.