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Coincidence? Barack & Michelle Obama Just Produced Their First Fiction Film On Netflix About A Cyber Attack That Cripple The U.S. – See What Confirmed A Few Moments Ago

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 14:27:41 ago (+11/-4)     (defiantamerica.com)


If I were to put on my tinfoil hat, I would say this is a playbook attempt at ‘predictive programming’.

It’s not like there was any ‘predictive programming’ around the COVID pandemic, and the WEF definitely didn’t put out a video warning us about a ‘cyber pandemic’ a few years back.

This is just my “conspiracy theorist” talking.
I'm sure it’s nothing.
No worries.

10 comments block

It's part of their dark arts. They have to tell you what they're going to do before they do it.

It doesn't matter if we believe in it. It only matters that they believe in it.